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Department Of The Interior Grants

All grants are sorted most recent to least recent.

Program Name CFDA Number(s) Category Federal Agency Estimated Funding
Climate Change and Avian Migration Phenology in the Great Plains: Phase II 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $36,000
Territoriality, reproductive success, and dispersal in southern sea otters 15.650
Department of the Interior $42,000
Marsh Sandwort Propagation and Outplanting at Golden Gate National Recreation Area 15.650
Department of the Interior $9,000
Marsh Sandwort Propagation and Outplanting at Golden Gate National Recreation Area 15.650
Department of the Interior $2,240
Marsh Sandwort Propagation and Outplanting at Golden Gate National Recreation Area 15.650
Department of the Interior $3,000
Johnstown Area preservation and heritage ╔к_ Johnstown, PA Other
Department of the Interior $45,000
FA BLM AZ Statewide Monitoring with AZ Game and Fish Department 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $500,000
Energy Pilot Office Positions in Montana 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $1,000,000
BLM OR-WA: Oak and Pine-Oak Habitat Restoration, Medford District, Oregon 15.233
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $30,000
Lake Clark National Park and Preserve Ice Patch Archaeology: Year 4 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $120,000
Implementation of Water Resources Monitoring at Bighorn Canyon NRA 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $27,138
Delhi Sands Flower-loving Fly 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $35,000
Geographic Resources Program (GRP) GIS Technical Support 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $33,000
Oil and Grit Separator Filter Runoff Pollutant Study for Quaternary Compounds (QAC) Environment
Department of the Interior $47,000
National Park Service-Partnership to Improve and Expand Knowledge about African Americans in the American Civil War and Civil Rights 15.946
Department of the Interior $26,000
Implement Farm Plan 15.931
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $43,660
BLM CA Vegetation Mapping of the Blythe-Palen Dry Lake Region of the Northern Colorado Desert 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $750,000
Catalog Archives for Petrified Forest National Park 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $54,117
Catalog Resource Management Archives 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $37,085
Catalog Facility Management Program Archives 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $94,197
Collaborative planning and design for science-based restoration efforts at Netul Landing, Colewort Creek, and other sites along the Lewis and Clark River in Oregon 15.944
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $32,000
Financial Management Support to the North Platte Decree Committee 15.507
Department of the Interior $20,000
National Park Service- Archeology- The Search for Big Head at Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $40,000
Shorebirds Stewards Program 15.608
Natural Resources
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $25,384
Not-for-Profit AMD Reclamation 15.253
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $1,500,000
Point Reyes National Seashore Fuels Reduction 15.949
Department of the Interior $37,000
BLM NV State Office NV Department of Wildlife Program Assistance 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $95,000
National Park Service- Implementation of the Native Trout Conservation Plan / Environmental Assessment 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $107,905
National Park Service- Preservation Plan for Sivu╔к_ovi, Petrified Forest National Park 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $27,000
National Park Service- Preparation of a Natural Resource Condition Assessment Report for Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site, and Washita Battlefield National Historic Site 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $32,962
National Park Service- Assessment of Indicator Sites and Quantifying Short-term Effects of High Flows on Riparian Vegetation along the Yampa and Green Rivers: Implications for Monitoring Future Riparian Resource Conditions 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $80,000
National Park Service- Provide Internship Support and Technical Assistance to the Greater Yellowstone Network Monitoring Program and the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $74,024
National Park Service- Provide Assistance to Identify Natural History Collections at Non-Federal Repositories 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $25,000
National Park Service- Assist with Archives Initiative Planning 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $30,919
National Park Service- Catalog Western Archeological and Conservation Center Archives 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $29,670
National Park Service- Monitoring Landbirds in Northern Colorado Plateau Network Park units 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $43,810
Digital Documentation of Sivu╔к_ovi, Petrified Forest National Park 15.946
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,810
FA BLM AZ Statewide Data Management and Data Sharing Agrement 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $250,000
BLM OR-WA: Rogue Basin Mixed Conifer and Oak Restoration Analysis, Medford District, Oregon 15.233
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $90,000
Gulf Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit 15.649
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $37,000
Bull Trout Recovery Plan 15.657
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $41,000
National Park Service- Support Implementation of Five Needle Pine Climate Change Response Project 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $38,722
National Park Service- Heat Flow and Change Detection of Thermal Features in Yellowstone National park Using High Resolution Airborne Remote Sensing 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $120,000
National Park Service- Vegetation Mapping at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $218,977
National Park Service- Place-based Climate Change Communication using Repeat Photography in Southwest Alaska National Parks 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $72,609
FA BLM AZ Statewide Data Management and Data Sharing Agreement 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $250,000
National Park Service- Fire History of Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $90,500
BLM WY LMO WY Dept of State Parks and Cultural Resources Kids Xtreme Fire and Ice Festival 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $5,000
Develop a •À_Taxonomist in Parks•À_ program and assist in Service-wide Pollinator project needs 15.947
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $30,000
Develop a •À_Taxonomist in Parks•À_ program and assist in Service-wide Pollinator project needs 15.947
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $30,000
Develop a •À_Taxonomist in Parks•À_ program and assist in Service-wide Pollinator project needs 15.947
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $30,000
Energy Conservation Youth Training Network, Northeast Region 15.931
Department of the Interior $32,900
Appalachian Trail Conservation by Youth Service in Maine 15.931
Department of the Interior $100,000
Enhance Accessibility and Preservation of the Billings Family Archive, at Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park in Vermont Other
Department of the Interior $75,000
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $90,000
Black-footed Ferret Habitat Identification 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,000
Great Lake Commission 15.608
Employment, Labor and Training
Department of the Interior $50,000
Employment, Labor and Training
Department of the Interior $50,000
Resource Based Geospatial Data Collection, Analysis and Delivery in Support of Enterprise-based GIS for the NER of the NPS 15.945
Information and Statistics
Department of the Interior $92,070
Assessment of NPS units that contain caves and karst 15.944
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,000
North Cascades National Park Project Work Summer 2011 15.931
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $37,800
Crystal Peak Pond 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior Not Available
Support Park Programs & Preservation Education
Department of the Interior $183,000
Anasazi State Park Museum Partnership 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
Predicting the Effects of Climate Change on Migratory Birds and Bats: 15.945
Department of the Interior $29,998
FA BLM AZ Old Spanish National Historic Trail Recreation Assessment 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $150,000
Trails Maintenance and fence removal 15.931
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $48,000
Restore disturbed lands 15.931
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $26,848
American Geological Institute - Earth Science Week Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $25,000
Aquatic Invasive Species 15.608
Employment, Labor and Training
Department of the Interior $50,000
BLM CA CESU Humboldt State University- Archaeological Sites Significance Evaluation Program 15.224
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50
Assabet River Wild and Scenic River Conservation Environment
Department of the Interior $25,800
Paleoprecipitation Climate Model 15.224
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $87,000
Water Conservation Field Services Program - Nebraska Kansas Area Office 15.530
Department of the Interior $125,000
University of California, Los Angeles Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $82,190
Fire Management Plan Development and Implementation at the Natural Scenic Recreation Area, McGee Creek Project, Oklahoma 15.524
Department of the Interior $150,000
Air Quality Monitoring in Montana 15.236
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $475,000
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
Nature Play Corps National Implementation Project 15.649
Employment, Labor and Training
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $80,000
Survey and Impacts of Slurry Pipeline, Year 3 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $49,989
Community Histories 15.946
Department of the Interior $30,000
NPS - Cooperative Watershed Studies 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $80,000
Cultural Survey at Lima Reservoir in Montana 15.224
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $60,000
Building Connections between NPS Natural Resource Issues & Public Historic Structures 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $25,000
Recovering small Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow subpopulations: the 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $101,774
Dune Dynamics Monitoring Protocol Development Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $40,000
BLM OR-WA: CESU - Plant Conservation, Oregon State Office, Portland, Oregon 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $23,000
Waterbirds on Don Edwards NWR 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $45,400
Develop a Southeast Utah Group-wide Archeological Site Monitoring Plan 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $32,900
National Park Service Development of a Multi-Network/ Park Climate Web Interface and Technical Assistance to the Greater Yellowstone Network Monitoring Program 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,744
FA BLM AZ Pima County CWPP 15.228
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
Integrate and Develop Field and Lab Research Programs on Chronic Wasting Disease 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $95,000
Monitoring Seagrass Resources of the Gulf Islands National Seashore Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $26,842
Healthy Communities Program 15.916
Community Development
Department of the Interior $0
Geometric morphometric evaluation of a potential new subspecies of tui chub 15.650
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $14,000
All Hazards Resource Advisor Online Training Curriculum Development Education
Department of the Interior $79,698
University of California, Riverside Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $99,867
Restoration of pond at Cabin Bar Ranch and establishing a population of tui chub (Siphateles bicolor spp.) native to southern Owens Valley 15.650
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $31,000
Weed Management and San Joaquin Valley Jobs Creation Project 15.507
Department of the Interior $2,018,987
Interns - Youth Partnership Program 15.931
Department of the Interior $26,500
1 62 63 64 65 66 89