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Department Of The Interior Grants

All grants are sorted most recent to least recent.

Program Name CFDA Number(s) Category Federal Agency Estimated Funding
BLM NV Winnemucca District Office Gerlach Cooperative Weed Management Project 15.230
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $90,000
Support Deveopment of a GIS Mapping and Analysis System for Long Range Transportation Planning 15.945
Department of the Interior $140,600
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, South Florida/Caribbean CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $167,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Chesapeake Watershed CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $35,700
Data Management 15.931
Department of the Interior $91,520
Research Techs 15.931
Department of the Interior $125,994
Co-Management of Polar Bears 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $687,500
California State Parks Trails 15.944
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $139,500
Co-Management for Sibsistenceuse of Pacific Walrus 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $176,000
SRLCC - Climate Change Resilience Model in Gunnison Basin 15.664
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,000
Five Plant Distribution Assessment 15.657
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $36,000
Wyoming Native Fish Habitat and Fish Passage Restoration Projects 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $500,000
Implementation of Flathead MOU between Montana and British Columbia 15.664
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $70,000
Partcipation and coordination among State of Oregon and other State Federal Partners for landscape conservation activites 15.664
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
Evaluating the Geomorphological and Sedimentological Effects of a Demonstration Project for Restoring Bayside Sediment Processes at Sailors Haven Marina 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $128,097
Data Management and Program Support for the Northeast Coastal and 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $70,932
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Basin CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $25,635
Yukon Lowlands-Kuskokwim Mountains-Lime Hills Rapid Ecoregional Assessment Project, Alaska 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $1,000,000
Research and Development to Support the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) 15.945
Department of the Interior $800,000
Cooperative Research & Restoration 15.944
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior Not Available
Missisquoi and Trout Wild and Scenic River Study Assistance Environment
Department of the Interior $50,000
National Park Service- Washita Battlefield National Historic Site Oral History Project 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $28,000
Youth Projects at Point Reyes National Seashore 15.931
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior Not Available
BLM OR-WA: Middle Applegate Pilot Multi-party Monitoring and Outreach, Medford District, Oregon 15.233
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $25,000
SAGA Bartlet Cove 15.931
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $25,000
Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network Ecological Inventory and Monitoring Program Assistance 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $111,596
Ethnographic Overview and Assessment of the Staten Island Unit, Gateway National Recreation Area 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $90,000
Baltimore National Heritage Area 15.939
Department of the Interior $147,000
Geomorphological maps of National Park Service coastal parks in New York and New Jersey 15.945
Department of the Interior $173,324
BLM OR-WA: Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Fuels Reduction and Fire Dependent Ecosystem Restoration, Eugene, Oregon 15.228
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $75,000
BLM OR-WA: CESU Seed Orchard Genetics Support Services, Oregon State Office, Portland, Oregon 15.233
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $37,000
New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission on behalf of 15.939
Department of the Interior $143,500
Grassland Bypass Project - Collect Samples of Fish 15.527
Department of the Interior $425,860
SMMF Marketing and Branding 15.944
Information and Statistics
Department of the Interior $60,000
Fort Hall Unit Water Measurement Project 15.519
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $84,759
Shenandoah National Park, VA, Assess Climate Change Factors that Impact the Natural Resources Environment
Department of the Interior $55,412
Assessing wildlife responses to noise 15.944
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $431,471
BLM OR-WA: Cooperative LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) Collection Project, Oregon State Office, Portland, Oregon 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $190,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Piedmont South Atlantic Coast 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $43,000
Stationary PIT Tag Detection System in the Maybell Canal 15.529
Department of the Interior $10,000
Razorback Sucker Production and Facility Improvement 15.538
Department of the Interior $897,906
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, South Florida Caribbean CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $450,000
Continued GIS support for NPS GIS Program 15.944
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $240,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $27,000
GBI Cultural Survey & Monitoring 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior Not Available
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Gulf Coast Mountain 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $86,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $400,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Californian CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $7,500
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, North West Alaska CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $25,000
Snowshoe Hare Response to Climate Change in Montana 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $250,000
Support Building Resources and Nurturing Community Health and Environmental Stewardship (BRANCHES) and Civic Justice Corps After School programs for Baltimore, MD youth 15.931
Department of the Interior $109,350
Public Matters: Lowell╔к_s Emerging Leaders project and Park Trolley Expansion project, Lowell National Historical Park, Lowell MA Other
Department of the Interior $268,272
Mark No. Neck Heritage Trail Bicycling Route as Segment of Potomac Heritage Natl. Scenic Trail 15.935
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $28,270
Planning & Technical Assistance to Eliminate Gaps in Potomac Heritage Natl. Scenic Trail within No. Virginia 15.935
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $35,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, North Atlantic Coast CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $37,509
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $30,500
Ridge Loop Project ay Redwood National Park 15.931
Department of the Interior $25,000
Mediterranean Network Inventory and Monitoring 15.944
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $156,817
Natural Areas Conference 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $200,000
Develop a feasibility study that documents the historical resources within the defined study area and to develop alternatives for enhancing resource protection, interpretation, recreation, and education in the outdoors 15.935
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $45,000
Tracking, Assessing, and Understanding NPS Impaired Water Resources 15.944
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $207,000
National Capital Parks - East Summer Day Camps for Diverse and Disadvantaged Youth 15.944
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $31,272
El Mirage Visitor Center Interpretive 15.225
Department of the Interior $250,000
Fostering Collaborations across the North American Arctic 15.669
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $27,000
Building an Integrated Data Harvester and Analysis Software for the Methow Basin 15.517
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $498,802
Civil War Defenses of Washington Trail Planning and Compliance 15.935
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $37,000
National Park Service- Inventory of Carbon Sequestration Organisms and Biomineralization at White Sands National Monument and Guadalupe Mountains National Park 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $117,500
National Park Service-YIP: Career Internship Corps (CIC) Project- Intergovernmental Internship Cooperative- additional phase 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $67,970
National Park Service- Identify Cultural Resource Collections from Zion National Park at Offsite Repositories 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $39,420
Whitetail Symposium 15.631
Department of the Interior Not Available
Baseline Assessment of Spring-fed Rivers in the Upper Sacramento River Watershed 15.512
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $250,000
National Park Service- Compare and Contrast Sister Parks╔к_ Research Finding and Monitoring Efforts 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $26,455
National Park Service- Heritage Partnerships Program Digital Documentation 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $48,000
National Park Service- Archeology- LiDAR and Multispectral Image Acquisition and Mapping over 105 River Miles and Corresponding Floodplain within the Dinosaur National Monument 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $82,916
North Bay Water Reuse Program - Phase 2 Scoping Studies 15.504
Department of the Interior $131,300
DRI Walker Lake 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior Not Available
National Park Service-Administrative and Technical Support Agreement for Southern Colorado Plateau Network 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $262,000
FWS-R9-NWI-DU 15.665
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $30,000
BLM Nevada Public Service Youth Conservation Teams 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $1,800,000
BLM Nevada Public Service Youth Conservation Teams RRM 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $1,800,000
The Reclamation Youth Conservation Program: Auburn Area Hazardous Fuels 15.546
Department of the Interior $150,000
Management, Coordination and Planning Activities Associated With the LCD-5, LCD-6 and CC M-44 Habitat Improvment Projects in the Grande Ronde Subbasin 15.517
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $72,431
Brook Trout Suppression in the Upper Malheur River 15.519
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $28,658
Trail Tread and Drainage restoration 15.931
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $25,000
Fort McHenry, Baltimore, MD: ╔к_Hold the Fort╔к_ learning game, Phase II Education
Department of the Interior $50,600
Native American Student Support 15.608
Department of the Interior $6,000
Research on Aquatic species in reservoirs 15.608
Department of the Interior $90,000
National Park Service- Fort Union National Monument Visitor Center Museum Exhibit Plan 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $134,471
Frank Charles Park Management 2011, New York City Other
Department of the Interior $38,304
Friends of Ridgefield Environment
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior Not Available
Science-based Restoration of the California Condor in Baja California, Mexico 15.608
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $150,000
Database Services and Maintenance 15.238
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $275,000
Lewis and Clark National Historical Trail Auto Tour Route Wayshowing Assessment and Plan, Phase III 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $40,000
Comprehensive Conservation Planning for Silvio O. Conte NFWR 15.654
Department of the Interior $25,000
Black Voices 15.946
Employment, Labor and Training
Department of the Interior $50,000
Climate Investigations - Climatic Drivers of Wildland Fire Events and Burn Severity 15.236
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $175,000
Avian Health and Disease surveillance and monitoring support 15.655
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior Not Available
The role of dissolved oxygen and nutrients in maintaining environmental conditions for Devils Hole pupfish survival and recruitment using microelectrode 15.944
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $32,250
Research Assistance in Preparation for a Historic Structures Strategy for Yellowstone National Park Phase III 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
Territoriality, reproductive success, and dispersal in southern sea otters 15.650
Department of the Interior $42,000
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