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Department Of The Interior Grants

All grants are sorted most recent to least recent.

Program Name CFDA Number(s) Category Federal Agency Estimated Funding
Roy Pray Mine Abandoned Mine Reclamation Project in Gunnison Colorado 15.236
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $45,000
BLM-CO UFO-GGNCA Travel Management 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $75,000
Impacts of Anthropogenic Noise on Wildlife Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $155,801
Eradication of Spartina densiflora on Humboldt Bay NWR 15.652
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $512,611
Cochetopa Abandoned Mine Closure Project in the State of Colorado . 15.236
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $67,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Colorado Plateau 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $112,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Rivers CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $29,375
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Lakes-Northern Forests CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $17,446
Status and Trends of Alaska NPS Glaciers Environment
Department of the Interior $260,271
National Park Service- Climate Change Impacts on Key Carnivores in the Northern Rockies: the Combined Effects of Climate Change, Fragmentation, and Human Activities on Grizzly and Wolverine Populations in the Transboundary Flathead and Glacier Park E Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $113,000
National Park Service - Using mtDNA and Microsatellites from Current Reference Populations and Museum Specimens to Explore the Heritage of Cutthroat Trout in Rocky Mountain National Park Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,490
National Park Service - Systematic Monitoring of Thermal Springs and Features in Yellowstone National Park for Estimating Heat Flow and Detecting Change Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $119,999
National Park Service- Expansion of Behave Research and Program (Cows Eating Weeds) Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $31,000
National Park Service - Monitoring Landbirds in Northern Colorado Plateau Network Park Units and Yellow-Billed Cuckoos at Dinosaur National Monument Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $41,507
National Park Service Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) Documentation of Parallel Wall House and Saddlehorn Hamlet Pueblos, Cortez, CO Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $34,993
National Park Service - Mountain Pine Beetle Altered Forest Fuel Influences on Wildfire in Glacier National Park Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $40,000
National Park Service - Landscape Condition Analysis, Dinosaur National Monument Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $56,100
BLM Shoshone Field Office Stewardship Projects 15.233
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $98,000
Estimation of Chinook Salmon Ecapement in Togiak River Watershed 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $145,755
Co-management for Subsistence Use of Pacific Walrus 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $200,000
2010 Request for Proposals - Seabird Monitoring Program 15.650
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $150,000
Westfield River: Westfield Wild and Scenic River Assistance Environment
Department of the Interior $334,000
National Park Service - Landscape Condition Analysis at Dinosaur National Monument Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $48,900
Large Mammal Capture & Survey on Alaska Peninsula 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $200,000
Lower Delaware River: protection and enhancement of the watersheds of the Bangor Area Environment
Department of the Interior $53,000
Torch/Platform Irene Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR)/Ocean Beach Park Boardwalk Project, Phase 1__ 15.658
Department of the Interior $65,520
Scope of Work for Marine Surveys of Pagan Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 15.650
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $58,200
Notice of Intent to Award - Cultural Resource Surveys, Evaluations, and Excavations on Federal Lands in Nebraska and Kansas 15.511
Department of the Interior $70,000
Shenandoah National Park: assessing climate change factors that impact natural resources in the park Environment
Department of the Interior $96,350
BLM OR/WA: Volunteers and Visitor Services at the National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $8,000
Climate Change Technical Assistance, Portland State Office, Oregon 15.236
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $150,000
Continuation of existing project: coastal geomorphological monitoring protocol - shoreline and coastal topographical monitoring Environment
Department of the Interior $55,143
Pelagic Organism Decline Investigations 15.512
Department of the Interior $1,347,534
Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area youth program Education
Department of the Interior $260,140
Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project 15.512
Department of the Interior $497,808
Proteciton, Preservation, and Collection of Paleontological Resources at Joshua Tree National Park Natural Resources
Department of the Interior Not Available
National Park Service- Evaluating Non-Motorized Pathway Use in Grand Teton National Park: Post-Pathway 2010 Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $25,000
Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area 15.904
Department of the Interior $150,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $50,828
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $24,325
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Colorado Plateau CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $99,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, North and West Alaska CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $95,000
Cooperatie Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Plains CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $20,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $99,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Basin CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $100,000
Santa Monica Mountains Fund Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $135,865
Map of Submerged Beringia Humanities
Department of the Interior $35,050
National Park Service- Sangre De Cristo National Heritage Area Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $150,000
A Technical Plan to Conduct a Landcover (Vegetation) Inventory for Alagnak Wild River Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $103,968
Technical Assistance fo rthe Development of an EIR Analysis of the Klamath Agreements for the Secretarial Determination Process 15.608
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior Not Available
Aravaipa Creek Native Fish Monitoring under DSCESU 15.238
Department of the Interior $12,500
Hawaiian Duck Hybridization Removal 15.652
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $49,642
Sacramento River Small Screen Diversion 15.512
Department of the Interior $1,500,000
Notice of Intent to Award Sole Source - Backlog Cataloging Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $58,000
BLM OR/WA: Western OR/Jackson and Josephine Counties Cooperative Weed Management Area Project, Medford District, Oregon 15.230
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $10,000
Rosie the Riveter Youth Partnership Program 15.931
Community Development
Department of the Interior $30,000
Bear Creek Watershed Enhancement and Restoration ? 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $900,000
National Park Service- Technical assistance for the Upper Columbia Basin Network including database development, GIS, and science communication Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $170,385
Vascular and non-vascular plant specimen identification, curation, and technical support for vegetation monitoring in the Southwest Alaska Network Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,000
BLM Oregon/Washington: Noxious Weed Inventory, Treatment, and Monitoring, Umatilla County, Vale District, Oregon 15.230
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $10,000
BLM CA Geography CESU Arcata Field Office 15.224
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
Post-Hurricane Beach Restoration at McFaddin NWR Disaster Prevention and Relief
Department of the Interior $3,200,000
Anthropology Arcata FO Resource Management Strategies for the 21st Century CESU 15.224
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
Monitoring Common Murre and Other Seabirds along the Central California Coast 15.615
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $95,304
Archaeological Testing of Select Sites at Red Willow Reservoir (Hugh Butler Lake) in Frontier County, Nebraska 15.511
Department of the Interior $106,600
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Californian CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $75,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Californian CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $49,500
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Gulf Coast CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $100,000
BLM OR WA: The Great NW Project: Urban Nature Overnights (UNO) and Zoo Animal Presenter (ZAP) Programs 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $40,000
BLM OR/WA: Steens Mountain Archaeology Project, Burns District, Oregon 15.224
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $15,000
National Park Service- Fort Lewis College Internship Program at Mesa Verde National Park Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $28,000
Development of a handicapped accessible pedestrian walkway along the Merrimack River Environment
Department of the Interior $1,790,172
National Park Service- Preservation Best Practices, Missions Initiative Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $61,000
National Park Service- Planning, Implementation, and Monitoring of the Lower Halstead Meadow Wetland Restoration Project Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $57,205
National Park Service- Preservation of Spanish Colonial Resources through International Cooperation and Partnerships TICRAT Preservation Workshop 2010-2011 Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $32,600
National Park Service- Rapid Ethnographic Assessment of Fort Laramie NHS Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $29,205
National Park Service- The Ecology and Conservation of Mesocarnivores at White Sands National Monument Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $60,000
Cooperatively plan, design, operate, and evaluate public transportation systems in Acadia National Park Environment
Department of the Interior $804,000
Cape Cod Shoreline Change and Resource Protection Environment
Department of the Interior $54,000
Johnstown Area preservation and heritage Environment
Department of the Interior $45,000
Steller Sea Cow Other
Department of the Interior $78,000
Luckiamute River Watershed Rapid Bio-Assessment 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $5,540
Generate underwater and topside imagery of NPS units specific to Dry Tortugas and Isle Royale National Parks 15.916
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $60,000
National Wildlife Federation - Nature Play Corps 15.649
Department of the Interior $102,000
Habitat Protection at Fort Baker Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $255,000
Sustainable Historic Site and Natural Resource Management at Fort Baker Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $60,401
Trails at Historic Fort Baker and the Marin Headlands Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $450,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Colorado Plateau CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $35,000
Development and Testing of Instrument and Software for Acoustical Monitoring in Parks Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $632,383
Cataloging Archeological Collections Arts
Department of the Interior $39,000
TogetherGreen Youth: Act Today, Shape Tomorrow 15.649
Department of the Interior $376,090
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Southern Applachian CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $35,000
Conservation of a candidate species: Breeding system and seed bank dynamics of the endemic DeBeque phacelia (Phacelia submutica) 15.650
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,000
Orinthological studies, training and information dissemination Natural Resources
Department of the Interior Not Available
USFWS/NCTC: Evaluation Plan and Implementation for the Youth in Natural Resource Careers Initiative 15.649
Department of the Interior $75,000
Pagosa skyrocket (Ipomopsis polyantha) Conservation (Monitoring, Public Outreach, and Prioritization of Properties for Conservation) 15.650
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $20,000
Migratory Bird Joint Ventures - Gulf Coast Joint Venture Fiscal Year 2009 15.637
Department of the Interior $280,942
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Rivers CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $113,000
Recovery Act - BLM Oregon/Washington: Youth Employment Opportunities for Resource Management and Enhancement on Federal Lands, Prineville District, Oregon 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $15,400
CFO Sage Grouse Population Monitoring 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $250,000
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