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Department Of The Interior Grants

All grants are sorted most recent to least recent.

Program Name CFDA Number(s) Category Federal Agency Estimated Funding
Baltimore National Heritage Area 15.939
Department of the Interior $78,000
Amalik Bay Archeological Sites: Human settlement, seasonality, and sea-level change on the Pacific Coast of the Alaska Peninsula, ca. 8,000 к 4,000 years ago 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $78,240
Partnership with the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and the National Cave and Karst Research Institute for Federal Fiscal Year 2013-2014 15.944
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $285,000
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $40,000
Climate sensitivity in white spruce as indicated by stable isotopes of carbon and oxygen in tree rings, Southwest Alaska Network 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $66,386
27th Lowell Festival Intent to Award 15.916
Department of the Interior $92,000
Chesapeake Youth Corps Crew and Intern 15.931
Department of the Interior $108,519
Chesapeake Youth Corps Intern 15.931
Department of the Interior $25,000
74th National Folk Festival Intent to Award 15.916
Department of the Interior $58,000
Watershed Assessment of Paharanagaat Valley, Nevada 15.608
Department of the Interior $125,489
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $50,000
Establishment of 2013 Bandelier Conservation Corps 15.931
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,051
Monitoring Acoustical Environments and Noise, and Studying Their Significance to Wildlife 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $600,551
Impacts of Superstorm Sandy: Coastal Adaptation for Affected Parks and Revegetation Staten Island Unit, Gateway NRA NY 15.945
Department of the Interior $50,024
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Lakes Northern Forests CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $375,000
New Bed Ford Water Front Festival 15.916
Community Development
Department of the Interior $18,000
Richmond Folk Festival 15.931
Community Development
Department of the Interior $29,000
Optical Sensing to Study the Effect of Anthropogenic Light and Noise on Flying Insects 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $67,827
BLM UT Natural Resources and Restoration Project 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $25,000
Volunteer Training and Clearing House Program for Colorado. 15.238
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $200,000
Grand teton Historic Preservation 15.912
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $0
National Park Service-Historic Resource Study 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $98,297
BLM OR-WA - Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conferences 15.236
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $25,000
National Park Service-SLBE Ethnobotany and Climate Change 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $58,000
Garnet Curriculum 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $20,000
OAH 15.946
Department of the Interior $120,740
National Park Service-EFMO TCP Documentation and Evaluation 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $85,000
Central Arizona Grasslands Conservation Strategy 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $500,000
FWSR1-ES-FY13 Recovery of Hawaiian Birds 15.657
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $600,000
National Park Service-Dendroecological anlyses of fire-origin shrublands in former conifer forests 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $35,004
Resource Based Geospatial Data Collection, Analysis and Delivery in Support of Enterprise-based GIS for the NER of the NPS 15.945
Department of the Interior $112,070
National Park Service-Environmental History of Invasive Exotic Species to inform Responsible restoration Practices 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $150,004
Madrean Archipelago Native Plant Materials Development and Community Outreach 15.236
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $250,000
National Park Service-Restoration of riparian willows 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $74,255
Cooperative Development of a Freshwater Contaminants Monitoring Protocol 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $40,008
Invasive Coqui Monitoring and Control in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and Vicinity 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $39,734
Clean Vessel Act Grant Program 15.616
Department of the Interior $13,000,000
Baird Creek Foundation Habitat Protection Project 15.658
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $64,000
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $110,000
National Park Service-Stabilize Eagle Cliff Mine Cabin 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $32,299
Shenandoah Valley Battlefields National Historic District 15.939
Department of the Interior $173,000
Notice of Intent to Award - Johnstown Flood Museum: Restoration, Interpretation, Operation, and Maintenance 15.954
Department of the Interior $42,000
Shadehill, Keyhole, and Dickinson Reservoir Boundary Fencing (North Dakota) 15.546
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $39,825
National Park Service-Developing Methods to Understand Elk Movements and Abundance on Winter Range 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $63,544
Continuation of physical monitoring of the Old Inlet breach, Fire Island National Seashore 15.945
Department of the Interior $80,210
National Public Lands Day 15.225
Department of the Interior $110,000
National Park Service-Analysis of Ecological Monitoring Data from Sonoran Desert Parks 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $25,000
National Park Service-Measure Recent Change in Mexican Spotted Owl Habitat 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $26,800
Social Normative Study of Backcountry Visitor's Acoustic Expectations and Experiences in Denali Park and Preserve 15.945
Department of the Interior $29,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Lakes Northern Forest CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $60,000
LOWE Canalway 15.946
Department of the Interior $181,669
Youth Conservation Corps in MABI Vermont 15.931
Department of the Interior $51,648
Society of the Natinal Shrine of the Bill of Rights 15.954
Department of the Interior $236,000
Lower Eastside Tenement Museum 15.954
Department of the Interior $234,000
National Park Service-GTSR Corridor management plan-visitor management research- Phase 2 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $251,572
National Park Service-Plan and Conduct Oral History Project-FY13 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $31,767
Twin Cities Clean Cities Initiative in the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area (MISS) NOI - Not a Request for Proposals 15.941
Department of the Interior $128,000
Inventory and Monitoring of Amphibians and Reptiles at Fire Island National Seashore, Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, and Gateway National Recreation Area Following Hurricane Sandy 15.945
Department of the Interior $130,760
FY 13 Aquatic Nuisance species Task Force Regional Panels 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $200,000
National Park Service-Archeological Overview and Assessment for Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $37,856
Identify Species Vulnerable to Climate Change at Acadia National Park 15.944
Department of the Interior $49,549
National Park Service-Assessing Humboldt Marten Prey Availability and Predator Abundance in Advance of Population Restoration 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $71,088
National Park Service-Partnership to Develop a Management Plan and Educational Program for the Sand Creek Massacre NHS 15.914
Department of the Interior $25,000
Modeling Evapotranspiration in Everglades NP using Eddy Covariance Data & Satellite-based Info. 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $75,000
Provide Cultural Landscape Preservation Assistance to National Parks in the Northeast Region 15.945
Department of the Interior $30,000
Develop Treatment Recommendations for Cultural Landscape of Chancellorsville Battlefield, Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County Battlefields National Military Park 15.945
Department of the Interior $43,000
Cooperative Watershed Studies Program 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,000
Not a Request for Proposals - NOI - Invasive Weed Treatment 15.931
Department of the Interior $75,225
National Park Service-Identify bat hibernacula in preparation for long-term monitoring 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $72,145
National Park Service-Preparation of Natural Resource Condition Assessment Reports for Five Intermountain Region Parks 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $61,065
JFSP 2014 Pre-Funding Opportunity Notice - Potential Topics 15.232
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $0
National Park Service-Complete Multiple Property Document and Determination of Eligibility for Backcountry Trails in Yellowstone NP 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $35,000
Research, Evaluate, and Prescribe Treatment for the Cultural Landscape of Muir Woods National Monument 15.945
Department of the Interior $79,591
National Park Service-Wildfire decisions and air quality, phase 2 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,000
Evaluate new Predator Proof Fence Design to Protect Hawaiian Petrels 15.945
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $121,002
National Park Service-National Register Nomination for the Northeast Entrance Road 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,000
Preservation Technology International 15.923
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $115,000
National Park Service-Investigation of Seasonal Variations and Heat Flow for Selected Hydrothermal Systems Using High Resolution Airborne Remote Sensing and Spatial Modeling 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $79,965
Terrestrial Arthropod Inventories for the Alaska NWRS 2013 15.649
Natural Resources
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $37,222
Biological Surveys on Natoinal Wildlife Refuges - Desert NWR 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $30,393
Ethnographic Overview and Assessment of Cape Cod National Seashore 15.945
Department of the Interior $100,000
Regents of the University of California SCRIPPS Institute of Oceanography 15.664
Department of the Interior $50,000
Groundwork USA Bridgeport Weir Farm 15.945
Employment, Labor and Training
Natural Resources
Regional Development
Department of the Interior $32,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Colorado Plateau CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $57,500
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Colorado Plateau CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $62,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Desert Southwest CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $53,000
Illinois & Michigan Canal Nomination Update 15.912
Regional Development
Department of the Interior $59,999
National Park Service-Social Science Technical Assistance for Yellowstone NP 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $132,973
Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge Continued Operation of US Geological Survey Gage No 06448000 15.649
Department of the Interior $20,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Colorado Plateau CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $41,126
Genetic 15.538
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $264,519
Yuma East Wetlands Operations and Management 15.538
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $1,750,000
National Park Service-Parks, People and Prey: Direct and Indirect Effects on Mountain Goat Ecology in Glacier NP 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $123,000
BLM CA CCS Point Blue Joint Venture 15.238
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,000
Collect Oral History Interviews in the Upper Tanana Region for Project Jukebox Year 3 15.945
Department of the Interior $26,674
Monitoring Estuarine Condition at Colonial NHP, George Washington Birthplace NM, and Assateague Island NS 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $49,112
Youth Conservation Program 15.546
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $187,500
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Rivers CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $93,000
Archeological Survey in the Chignik and Meshik Rivers Region 15.945
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $70,450
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit,, North and West Alaska CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $360,000
1 40 41 42 43 44 89