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The National Endowment for the Arts grants fund non-traditional programs

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PBS Grant funding cut

The National Endowment for the Arts grant series is an essential funding source for many educational efforts that countless Americans have grown to know and love. However, it seems that now the organization has found it fit to support more modern forms of art projects. Arts in Media grants are providing less aid towards projects than it has in the past. Today it seems that the agency is providing grants for companies who have created mobile apps or video games. With these types of projects being favored more often usual recipients like The Metropolitan Opera, “Live from Lincoln Center”.

It is crucial that these standards be brought to the public’s attention because of the shift to less enlightening forms of the arts. For example, in 2012 PBS received no money in grants from the National Endowment for the Arts when in 2011 they received $100,000. This example shows the immediate and significant swift from lump sum financing for a well known educational organization. Where has the lump sum gone that was probably expected by PBS? Large amounts of financial support is now being gave to companies who invent video games that incorporate literary works. Is there a better way to allocate funds so that everyone gets a piece of the pie? The National Endowment for the Arts grants are necessary financial resources for bounteous educational organizations and the funding shift has cost several dependent companies thousands of dollars. Emphasis is now placed on educational organizations ability to transfer their products and services into modern multimedia formats.

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