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Department Of The Interior Grants

All grants are sorted most recent to least recent.

Program Name CFDA Number(s) Category Federal Agency Estimated Funding
Improvement of BBS Survey Design and Count Methodology in New Jersey 15.655
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $10,000
BLM CA CCS Susanville Depot Vistor Center Operations 15.238
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $500,000
BLM CA The River Center Environmental Education 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $15,000
Resource Advisor Analysis and Storm Recovery Planning Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $2,526,250
Resource Advisor Analysis and Storm Recovery Planning Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $2,526,250
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Basin CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $13,000
Recreation Resource Management 15.231
Department of the Interior $500,000
Shooting Sports Respected Access Campaign 15.225
Disaster Prevention and Relief
Department of the Interior Not Available
Water Conservation Field Services Program 15.530
Department of the Interior $100,000
BLM ID SRBOP NCA - Art Calendar 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $2,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $25,000
BLM WY Hot Springs County Community Wildfire Protection Plan 15.228
Disaster Prevention and Relief
Department of the Interior $20,000
Improvement of BBS Survey Design and Count Methodology 15.655
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $10,000
Multiyear Collaboration between the American Geologic Society and the National Park Service for scientic study, education and interpretation Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
Multiyear Collaboration between the American Geologic Society and the National Park Service for scientic study, education and interpretation Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
Yavapai County CWPP Implementation 15.228
Department of the Interior $100,000
Cultural Resource Data Sharing Project - AZSITE 15.224
Department of the Interior $150,000
Agua Fria National Monument Native Plant Material Project 15.238
Department of the Interior $50,000
Graham County Chamber of Commerce 15.238
Department of the Interior $37,500
Western Maricopa County Emergency Management 15.242
Department of the Interior $100,000
Indian Legal Program Education
Department of the Interior $210,000
Recovery Act: Methow Basin Diversion Renovation Projects (MVID East, Fulton) 15.517
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $389,000
Mammals of Conservation Concern 15.608
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $10,000
Vulture Mountain Cooperative Recreation Area Management Plan 15.238
Department of the Interior $99,000
Arizona Site Stewards Program 15.238
Department of the Interior $50,000
Las Cienegas Cretaceous Project 15.224
Department of the Interior $50,000
Indirect Potable Reuse / Reservoir Augmentation Demonstration Project 15.504
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $2,952,750
Invasive Species Control and Management 15.633
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $25,000
BLM WY Assistance to Sinte Gleska University 15.224
Department of the Interior $12,500
Aerial Surveys for Wintering Shorebirds 15.655
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $10,000
Lakeside Trail Shoreline Stabilization Project 15.630
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $165,000
Notice of Intent To Award Toward Optimal Water Management in Colorado's Lower Arkansas River Valley 15.530
Department of the Interior $250,000
Padre Dam Water Recycling Facility Expansion Project, Cottonwood Diversion Structure and Pipeline Replacement Project 15.504
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $226,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Pacific Northwest CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $15,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $8,000
Malpai Borderlands FY09 15.642
Department of the Interior $150,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $20,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $23,216
Notice of Intent to Award Sun River Special Study 15.530
Department of the Interior $80,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $37,483
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $32,000
BLM CA AML Physical Safety Hazard Remediation Program 15.236
Department of the Interior $4,000,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Rocky Mountain CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $36,417
Attwater's Prairie Chicken Propagation 15.642
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $30,000
Youth Education Education
Department of the Interior $120,000
Arizona Trails Development and Maintenance 15.225
Department of the Interior $2,000,000
BLM WY Amphibian Batrachochytrium Dendrobaditis PCR Testing and DNA Collection 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $10,000
Notice of Intent to Award - Green Cafe, RI 15.649
Department of the Interior $2,700
Rural Fire Assistance, Alaska 15.242
Community Development
Department of the Interior $15,000
BLM NV Winnemucca District Cooperative Wilderness and Wilderness Study Area Projects 15.231
Department of the Interior $3,000
Remote Sensing and GIS to Estimate Pinyon Juniper Tree Density and Cover CESU Project 15.233
Department of the Interior $10,000
Notice of Intent to Award - Bat Fatality at Wind Turbine Study 15.650
Department of the Interior Not Available
Synergistic Monitoring CESU Project 15.237
Department of the Interior $10,000
World Seabird Conference 15.655
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
Department of the Interior $80,000
BLM NV CCDO Winters Ranch Resource Inventory and Investigations 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,000
RECOVERY - Trail Maintenance / Repair 15.931

Department of the Interior $70,010
Yuma East Wetlands North and South Channel Enhancement 15.517
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $1,475,000
RECOVERY ACT - Trail maintenance / repair 15.931

Department of the Interior $38,404
Invasive and Noxious Plant Management 15.230
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $150,000
Surprise FO Invasive and Noxious Plant Management 15.230
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $125,000
RECOVERY ACT - Trail Maintenance / Repair 15.931

Department of the Interior $37,005
BLM NV Historical Pinyon Juniper Woodland Distribution in Central Nevada Project 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $113,000
RECOVERY ACT - Trail Maintenance / Repair 15.931

Department of the Interior $180,000
BLM WY WLCI Partner Support for the Diamond H Conservation Easement 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $200,000
Fish Distribution and Habitat Use Delineation within the Boundary of the Glennallen Field Office, Alaska 15.238
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
Continuation of Research at the Center for Invasive Plant Management 15.230
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $500,000
BLM N Nevada Abandoned Mine Archaeological Survey Project 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $200,000
BLM NV N Nevada Abandoned Mine Bat Research and Inventory Project 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $200,000
Fish Distribution and Habitat Use Delineation within the Boundary of the Glennallen Field Office, Alaska 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
Montana Education and Weed Awareness 15.230
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $150,000
BLM WY Soil Analysis for Desert Yellowhead (CESU) 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $48,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Basin 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $90,000
BLM WY Burrowing Mammal Soils Study Focusing on WY Pocket Gopher (CESU) 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $10,000
San Simon Watershed Assessment 15.237
Department of the Interior $100,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, North Atlantic Coast CESU 15.808
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Department of the Interior $67,264
BLM-UT-Statewide Watershed Restoration Project 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $15,000,000
BLM NV SNPLMA Round 9 Ward Mountain Restoration Project 15.235
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $155,000
Technical Assistance to the Comprehensive Assessment & Monitoring Program 15.648
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $176,212
Native American Technical Assistance Program 15.519
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $90,000
Southern Arizona Project - Web Based Assessment and Management Tool 15.231
Department of the Interior $70,000
Sentinel Ecology and Pyric Herbivory 15.632
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $125,000
Climate Change and Species Ranges - Southwest USA 15.650
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior Not Available
Biological Weed Control Research 15.230
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $225,000
Washington County School District Take It Outside 15.225
Department of the Interior $100,000
Southern Arizona Project Ranchland Cleanup 15.231
Department of the Interior $100,000
BLM ID Community Land Use Assessments 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $30,000
Partnering for Conservation, Restoration, and Stewardship on Las Cienegas (Non-CCS) 15.231
Department of the Interior $100,000
Department of the Interior $51,800
Abandoned Mine Bat Survey and Hazard Mitigation 15.231
Department of the Interior $1,250,000
BLM ID Volunteers for Habitat Restoration 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $200,000
Partnering for Conservation, Restoration, and Stewardship on Las Cienegas NCA (CCS) 15.238
Department of the Interior $100,000
Smartlands Initiative Conference 15.640
Department of the Interior $150,000
Town of Marana - Undocumented Immigrants Project Cleanup 15.239
Department of the Interior $80,000
Fish and Wildlife Conservation in the Gila District 15.238
Department of the Interior $100,000
BLM WY Data Entry, Stewardship, and Sharing Agreement (CESU) 15.231
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $50,000
Education Program for Non-Traditional Students 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $25,600
Empire Ranch Preservation, Interpretation, and Education (Non CSS) 15.224
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $500,000
Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund 15.615
Department of the Interior Not Available
Anza National Historic Trail and Capacity Building Project 15.225
Natural Resources
Department of the Interior $100,000
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