Network Science Collaborative Technology Alliance (NS CTA)
Post Date
January 26th 2009
Application Due Date
February 23rd 2009
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
See Program Announcement
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$0 - $252000000
Grant Description
This CTA consists of two components: (1) the fundamental research component and (2) the technology transition component. The fundamental research component will provide for basic and applied research, the results of which will be in the public domain. The fundamental research program is sought in network science integration research and three specific research areas. The three research areas are focused on Information Networks, Social/Cognitive Networks and Communications Networks. Each of these basic research areas is to be led by an academic institution and is referred to in this CTA as an Academic Research Center (ARC). The fourth research area, Integration Research, referred to in this CTA as the Integration Research Center (IRC), is focused on achieving integrated information-social/cognitive-communications networks by promoting and performing cross-cutting foundational network science basic research, implementing theory, computation, and experimentation that characterize and provide insights into the interplay and composability of these interacting complex networks, and advancing the basic research breakthroughs through an applied research program. The performance of collaborative research (involving government, industrial, and academic concerns) is expected to result in dramatic results and new solutions in network science. In addition to performing and leading basic research on network science integration issues, the IRC will perform applied research and execute the management and transition responsibilities of the CTA
Contact Information
Department of Defense
Dept of the Army -- Materiel Command
Agency Contact:
TEL: 919-549-4270 -
Agency Mailing Address:
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