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DoD Multiple Sclerosis Research Program

Post Date

April 15th 2016

Application Due Date

August 29th 2016

Funding Opportunity Number


CFDA Number(s)


Funding Instrument Type(s)

Cooperative Agreement

Funding Activity Categories

Science and Technology and other Research and Development

Number of Awards


Eligibility Categories



  • Estimated Total Funding:


  • Award Range:

    $0 - $0

Grant Description

The MSRP IIRA mechanism was first offered in FY15 for research topics addressing MS Symptoms. In FY15, 15 MSRP IIRA applications were received, and 2 were recommended for funding. This year, the IIRA mechanism is offered for research specifically addressing Obstacles to Remyelination in MS. The IIRA supports highly rigorous, high-impact research projects that have the potential to make an important contribution to MS research and/or patient care. Research projects may focus on any phase of research, excluding clinical trials. The rationale for a research idea may be derived from laboratory discovery, clinical trial results, population-based studies, a clinicianмs firsthand knowledge of patients, or anecdotal data. Applications must include preliminary and/or published data that are relevant to MS and the proposed research project. Note for projects involving animal models of MS: Applicants should be prudent in the choice of animal model(s) for their proposed research. While studies of remyelination failure have relied on various animal models involving induced demyelination or specific genetic alterations, it is not always clear that the underlying mechanisms in these models are relevant to the obstacles to remyelination present in MS in humans. Applicants must justify the relevance of their proposed animal model(s) to remyelination in human MS.

Contact Information

  • Agency

    Department of Defense

  • Office:

    Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA

  • Agency Contact:

    CDMRP Help Desk

  • Agency Mailing Address:

    CDMRP Help Desk

  • Agency Email Address:

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