DoD Breast Cancer HBCU/MI Partnership Training Award
Post Date
February 2nd 2009
Application Due Date
April 8th 2009
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$None - $None
Grant Description
The Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Historically Black Colleges and Universities/ Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) Partnership Training Award was first offered in FY00. Since that time, 35 HBCU/MI Partnership Training Award applications have been received and 15 have been recommended for funding. The HBCU/MI Partnership Training Award supports two or more HBCU/MI faculty-level investigators in acquiring the training and experience necessary to obtain independent breast cancer research funding and to support the establishment of a sustainable breast cancer research program at the applicant HBCU/MI. This award provides mentorship and training at an institutional level by supporting a collaboration between multiple investigators (the Principal Investigator [PI] and co-Principal Investigator(s) [co-PI(s)] at the applicant HBCU/MI and at least one established breast cancer researcher (Primary Collaborating Mentor) at another research institution. The goals of the HBCU/MI Partnership Training Award include but are not limited to the following: • All investigators (PI, co-PI(s), and collaborating mentors) will work together to complete a coordinated, substantive project that will provide training in breast cancer research and that will result in publications; • The quality of the training will enable the HBCU/MI investigators to obtain independent breast cancer research funding; • A lasting collaboration between the applicant HBCU/MI and mentoring institution will be established; and • The research collaboration will help lay the foundation for a future breast cancer training program by improving research resources at the applicant HBCU/MI. DOD Breast Cancer HBCU/MI Partnership Training Award 3 The focus of the HBCU/MI Partnership Training Award applications should be on: • Extending and enhancing the skills of the HBCU/MI PI and co-PI(s) so that they may become competitive breast cancer researchers; • Completing a research project of high relevance to breast cancer that will lead to publication(s); and • Establishing successful independently funded breast cancer researchers at the applicant HBCU/MI. Applications for the HBCU/MI Partnership Award may target any aspect of breast cancer biology, etiology, prevention, detection, diagnosis, and/or treatment; however, applications are especially encouraged in the following research areas: • Morbidity and/or mortality disparities in underserved/minority populations; • Epidemiology, including molecular, nutrition, diet, and environment; • Access to care; • Treatment and outcomes; • Social/behavioral sciences; and/or • Public health or other population-based research. Please note that only one investigator from the applicant HBCU/MI may be named as the PI for the application; the additional faculty-level investigators from the applicant HBCU/MI should be identified as the co-PI(s). The key collaborating investigator from the mentoring institution should be identified as the Primary Collaborating Mentor; additional mentors from the collaborating institution should be identified as secondary or tertiary mentor(s). Applications will not be evaluated and awards will not be made for “to be named” participants (PI, co-PI(s), or collaborating mentors).
Contact Information
Department of Defense
Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
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