Small Business Innovation Research Program - Phase I
Post Date
June 19th 2013
Application Due Date
September 26th 2013
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Eligibility Categories
Each applicant submitting an application must qualify as a small business concern for R/R&D purposes at the time of award, (see definitions in section 2.0). A potential grantee that is a subsidiary must show that the parent company is also a small business entity and the parent company must provide documentation supporting their small business status (the documentation should be included in Field 12, Other Attachments, of the Research and Related (R&R) Other Project Information form). If the parent company is not a small business entity, then the subsidiary is not eligible to submit an SBIR application. In addition, the primary employment of the Project Director (PD) must be with the small business concern at the time of award and during the conduct of the proposed research, unless otherwise approved in writing by NIFA. Primary employment means that more than one-half of the PDуs time is spent in the employ of the small business. Primary employment with the small business precludes the applicant as a full-time employee with another organization. This requirement applies to Phase I awards and any deviations from this requirement must be approved in writing by the USDA Authorized Departmental Officer (ADO) after consultation with the appropriate National Program Leader (NPL). While the PD must work more than one-half of his/her time for the small business during the entire grant period, there is no minimal time requirement for what percentage of the PDуs time is spent working on the proposed research.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$70000 - $100000
Grant Description
See the 2014 USDA SBIR request for applications (RFA) by clicking the RFA link on the table below. Funds may be awarded up to $100,000 for Phase I and up to $450,000 for Phase II. Success rates for applicants have been about 14% for Phase I and 50-60% for Phase II. Projects dealing with agriculturally related manufacturing and alternative and renewable energy technologies are encouraged across all 2014 SBIR topic areas. USDA SBIR's flexible research areas ensure innovative projects consistent with USDA's vision of a healthy and productive nation in harmony with the land, air, and water. USDA SBIR has awarded over 2000 research and development projects since 1983, allowing hundreds of small businesses to explore their technological potential, and providing an incentive to profit from the commercialization of innovative ideas.
Contact Information
Department of Agriculture
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Agency Contact:
NIFA Help Desk
Phone: 202-401-5048
Business hours are M-F, 7:00 am -5:00 pm ET, excluding Federal holidays -
Agency Mailing Address:
If you have any questions related to preparing application content
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