Interregional Research Project #4 Minor Crop Pest Management Program
Post Date
April 3rd 2009
Application Due Date
May 4th 2009
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Community Development
Consumer Protection
Disaster Prevention and Relief
Interregional Research Project #4 Minor Crop Pest Management Program (IR-4) The primary goal of the IR-4 program is to provide safe, effective and economical pest management solutions for growers of minor/specialty crops. IR-4 facilitates crop protection by providing expert assistance with product development and registration. IR-4 positively impacts the ability of research and extension personnel, producers, grower organizations, and others to provide a continuous supply of affordable minor/specialty crops to the public. IR-4 is the only publicly supported research program in the United States that provides this service. Successful applicants will demonstrate the capacity and commitment required to accelerate the registration of newer, reduced risk pest management tools; expedite access to these pest management tools for minor/specialty crop growers, and conduct efficacy research to identify new and more effective minor/specialty crop pest management solutions. The FY 2009 IR-4 Program will fund four geographically-based IR-4 Regional Centers and an IR-4 National Headquarters.
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Who Is Eligible to Apply 1862 Land-Grant Institutions 1890 Land-Grant Institutions 1994 Land-Grant Institutions Other or Additional Information (See below) State Agricultural Experiment Stations More Information on Eligibility Applications may be submitted by State agricultural experiment stations, land-grant colleges and universities, research foundations established by land grant colleges and universities, colleges and universities receiving funds under the Act of October 10, 1962 (16 U.S.C. 582a et seq.), and accredited schools or colleges of veterinary medicine, for the purpose of facilitating or expanding ongoing State-Federal food and agricultural research programs.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$1000000 - $3000000
Grant Description
Interregional Research Project #4 Minor Crop Pest Management Program (IR-4) The primary goal of the IR-4 program is to provide safe, effective and economical pest management solutions for growers of minor/specialty crops. IR-4 facilitates crop protection by providing expert assistance with product development and registration. IR-4 positively impacts the ability of research and extension personnel, producers, grower organizations, and others to provide a continuous supply of affordable minor/specialty crops to the public. IR-4 is the only publicly supported research program in the United States that provides this service. Successful applicants will demonstrate the capacity and commitment required to accelerate the registration of newer, reduced risk pest management tools; expedite access to these pest management tools for minor/specialty crop growers, and conduct efficacy research to identify new and more effective minor/specialty crop pest management solutions. The FY 2009 IR-4 Program will fund four geographically-based IR-4 Regional Centers and an IR-4 National Headquarters.
Contact Information
Department of Agriculture
Agency Contact:
CSREES Help Desk
Phone: 202-401-5048
Business hours are M-F, 7:00 am -5:00 pm ET, -
Agency Mailing Address:
For questions regarding this RFA.
- Agency Email Address:
More Information:
FY '09 Interregional Research Project #4 Minor Crop Pest Management Program RFA

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