Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program
Post Date
May 1st 2014
Application Due Date
June 16th 2014
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Eligibility Categories
State Governments
Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$25000 - $150000
Grant Description
FSMIP provides matching funds on a competitive basis to assist eligible entities explore new market opportunities and to encourage research and innovation aimed at improving the efficiency and performance of the U.S. agricultural marketing system. Proposals may focus on addressing barriers, overcoming challenges or realizing opportunities at any stage of the marketing chain including direct, wholesale, and retail. Proposals must have a strong marketing focus, must involve research, and the primary beneficiaries must be agricultural producers and agribusinesses. Proposals that involve training or education programs must include a research component that tests the effects of the program on the marketing goals. Proposals may involve small, medium or large scale agricultural entities but should benefit multiple producers or agribusinesses. Proposals that benefit one business or individual will not be considered. Proposals that address issues of importance at the State, multi-State, or national level are appropriate for FSMIP. Of particular interest are proposals that reflect a collaborative approach between the States, academia, the farm sector and other appropriate entities and stakeholders. FSMIP will also consider unique proposals on a smaller scale that may serve as pilot projects or case studies useful as models for others. Such proposals should include an objective to analyze opportunities and formulate recommendations with regard to how the project could be scaled up or expanded to other regions. FSMIP will hold a teleconference to review the Request for Applications and answer questions on Tuesday, May 13 at 2:00 pm Eastern time. If you would like to participate in the teleconference, please send an email to janise.zygmont@ams.usda.gov before the teleconference date to receive instructions.
Contact Information
Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Marketing Service
Agency Contact:
Janise Zygmont
Staff Officer
Phone 202-720-5024 -
Agency Mailing Address:
FSMIP Staff Officer
- Agency Email Address:
- More Information:

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