Community-Based Integrated Health Program
Post Date
May 3rd 2010
Application Due Date
June 24th 2010
Any questions concerning this RFA should be submitted in writing to Ms. Jackie Ramanitrera, via email at with a copy to and to Ms. Sandy Solofonirina at Questions and inqu
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Applicants are encouraged to consider a variety of partnership models. USAID encourages Applications from US Non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) in partnership with registered local Malagasy organizations (NGOs and FBOs) in the focus regions. In the event the strategy requires sub-awards, the Applicant should estimate the dollar amount of a typical award envisioned; the approximate number of sub-awards; and the distribution of sub-awards by geographic intervention area and high-risk population. In support of the Agency’s interest in fostering a larger assistance base and expanding the number and sustainability of development partners, USAID encourages applications from potential new partners.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$35000000 - $35000000
Grant Description
Pursuant to the authority contained in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, the United States Agency for International Development Mission in Madagascar (USAID/Madagascar), through the Regional Acquisition and Assistance Office in Pretoria, is seeking applications from eligible Applicants for a program to increase the use of quality services and products by delivering a “package” of strategically integrated interventions (maternal, child and newborn health; family planning and reproductive health; malaria prevention and control; water supply and sanitation and nutrition) to underserved populations living in rural and difficult to reach areas of the Northern and Western regions of Madagascar.
Contact Information
Agency for International Development
Madagascar USAID-Antananarivo
Agency Contact:
Jackie Ramanitrera
Senior Acquisition Specialist
Phone 202-216-6206 or 261-20-23-480-00 ext 2780 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Jackie Ramanitrera, Senior Acquisition Specialist, USAID/Madagascar
- Agency Email Address:

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