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Cooperative Agreements for State-sponsored Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention (Short Title: State and Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention Grants)

Post Date

May 14th 2013

Application Due Date

June 13th 2013

Funding Opportunity Number


CFDA Number(s)


Funding Instrument Type(s)


Funding Activity Categories


Number of Awards


Eligibility Categories


Eligible applicants are: ╔ States (Including D.C. and the Territories) ╔ Federally recognized Indian tribes, tribal organizations (as defined in the Indian Self-Determination and Educational Assistance Act), or urban Indian organizations (as defined in the Indian Health Care Improvement Act) that are actively involved in the development and continuation of a tribal youth suicide early intervention and prevention strategy. ╔ Public or private non-profit organizations designated by a state, federally recognized Indian tribe, tribal organization, or urban Indian organization, to develop or direct the State/tribal-sponsored youth suicide prevention and early intervention strategy. The letter designating your organization should be included in Attachment 5 of your application. In order for your application to be considered for peer review, applicants must submit a letter designating your organization. No single state agency is mandated to be the lead for state and tribal Youth Suicide Prevention grants, as states differ in which state agency has taken the lead for suicide prevention (e.g., Department of Health, Department of Mental Health). Where states have a plan that designates a lead agency, that agency should act as the lead or should designate an alternative lead for the State and Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention Grant. If the state plan does not designate a lead agency, justify the selection of the lead agency for this application. States and/or tribes who have been previous recipients of a State/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention grant award are eligible to apply under this funding announcement. You are required to address how this grant award will build on and/or expand the work of the previous grant award(s) and not simply continuing what was done. The statutory authority for this program prohibits grants to for-profit agencies.


  • Estimated Total Funding:


  • Award Range:

    $0 - $440000

Grant Description

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2013 Cooperative Agreements for State-Sponsored Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention (Short Title: State/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention Cooperative Agreements). The purpose of this program is to support states and tribes in developing and implementing statewide or tribal youth suicide prevention and early intervention strategies, grounded in public/private collaboration. Such efforts must involve public/private collaboration among youth-serving institutions and agencies and should include schools, educational institutions, juvenile justice systems, foster care systems, substance abuse and mental health programs, families and youth, and other child and youth supporting organizations. As a result of the State/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention grants, states, tribes and communities will: ╔ increase the number of persons in youth serving organizations such as schools, foster care systems, juvenile justice programs, trained to identify and refer youth at risk for suicide; ╔ increase the number of health, mental health, and substance abuse providers trained to assess, manage and treat youth at risk for suicide; ╔ increase the number of youth identified at risk for suicide; ╔ increase the number of youth at risk for suicide referred for behavioral health care services; ╔ increase the number of youth at risk for suicide who receive behavioral health care services; and ╔ increase the promotion of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

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