Annual Program Statement for Cultural Affairs, U.S. Embassy Islamabad
Post Date
March 10th 2016
Application Due Date
May 23rd 2016
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Public Diplomacy
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Submissions are encouraged from U.S. and Pakistani registered not-for-profit, civil society/non-governmental organizations, and educational institutions with experience implementing programming of the type they are proposing. This experience should be documented in the organizationмs proposal. A copy of the organizationмs registration should be provided with the proposal application. U.S.-based organizations should submit a copy of their IRS determination letter. Pakistan-based organizations should submit a copy of their certificate of registration from the appropriate government organization.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$200000 - $500000
Grant Description
The Public Affairs Section of the Embassy of the United States of America in Islamabad, Pakistan, is pleased to announce an open competition for assistance awards through this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). PAS Islamabad invites all eligible organizations (see Section C for Eligibility Requirements) to submit a proposal for a Grant or Cooperative Agreement to support activities focused on advancing cultural ties between the United States and Pakistan through one of the activity areas specified in this NOFO. PAS Islamabad invites proposals for projects that focus on one of the priority areas specified below. Applicants should pay close attention to the Public Affairs Sectionмs goals, priority program areas, target audiences, and geographic locations when developing their proposals. Public Diplomacy Goals: Public diplomacy programming includes communications with international audiences, cultural programming, educational exchanges, promoting education including science, technology and math education, and international visitor programs. Proposals funded under this Annual Program Statement will further one or more of the U.S. Mission to Pakistanмs following public diplomacy goals: 1. Strengthen people-to-people ties between the United States and Pakistan through shared information, experiences, exchanges, and/or expertise. 2. Strengthen local institutions to build long-term, self-sustaining relationships and institutional linkages between U.S. and Pakistani organizations, including capacity building support for Pakistani organizations as needed. 3. Counter violent extremism (CVE) through positive messages and tolerant perspectives that enhance and amplify community-based CVE in a wide range of areas. 4. Expand media outreach by amplifying U.S. diplomacy activities and programs on social and traditional media platforms.
Contact Information
Department of State
U.S. Mission to Pakistan
Agency Contact:
Ellen Delage, Program Specialist, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Office of Press and Public Diplomacy
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:

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