Expanding Course Offerings for State and Local Regulators in the Integrated Food Safety System (U18)
Post Date
June 19th 2015
Application Due Date
July 29th 2015
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Non-Profits With 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Non-Profits Without 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$1000 - $1000000
Grant Description
The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA), Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), Office of Resource Management (ORM), Division of Human Resource Development (DHRD) is announcing this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for a Cooperative Agreement Grant to be awarded under a Limited Competition. The goal of this Cooperative Agreement Grant is to provide access to more training for long term improvements in the knowledge, skills, and abilities of state, local, territorial, and tribal regulators as part of an integrated food safety system (IFSS). Funds will be awarded to a national association/organization to administer and deliver training to state, local, territorial, and tribal jurisdictions for advancement of our nationŠ¼s food safety.
Contact Information
Department of Health and Human Services
Food and Drug Administration
Agency Contact:
Daniel Lukash
Grants Management Specialist
Phone 240-402-7596 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:
More Information:
Full Announcement of RFA-FD-15-039on NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts

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