NIDCD National Human Ear Tissue Laboratory Resource for Hearing and Balance Research (U24)
Post Date
January 13th 2016
Application Due Date
March 31st 2016
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
State Governments
County Governments
City or Township Governments
Special District Governments
Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Federally Recognized Native American Tribal Governments
Non-Federally Recognized Native American Tribal Organizations
Non-Profits With 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Non-Profits Without 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Private Institutions of Higher Education
For-Profit Organizations (Except Small Businesses)
See full announcement for complete details.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$None - $475000
Grant Description
This FOA will establish a laboratory as a national technological resource for auditory and vestibular researchers who use human inner and middle ear tissues for a range of basic and clinical studies. The Laboratory will develop and provide technical services for procuring, preparing, sectioning and distributing high-quality human ear tissues; develop and disseminate techniques for improved tissue preservation and for imaging human middle and inner ear structures, including cellular and membranous components; and provide opportunities for technical instruction in the special skills needed to prepare ear and use tissues from post-mortem human temporal bones.A cooperative agreement will coordinate interactions with the research community to maximize impact and novelty while avoiding duplicative efforts.This resource will benefit a broad spectrum of research projects, including clinical and translational, by providing a critical link towards the translation of animal studies to the human ear and eventually the clinic, for the NIDCD mission to help prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat deafness and other communication disorders.
Contact Information
Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
Agency Contact:
eRA Service Desk
Monday to Friday 7 am to 8 pm ET
Phone 1-866-504-9552 -
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