USAID Rwanda Call for Partnership Concept Papers - Addendum to existing APS No.: APS-OAA-14-000001
Post Date
January 12th 2015
Application Due Date
June 30th 2015
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$100000 - $3000000
Grant Description
Through this Addendum to the 2014 Global Development Alliance (GDA) Annual Program Statement (APS) Number APS-OAA-14-000001, USAID/Rwanda is issuing a call for submission of concept papers focusing on nutrition, youth workforce development, education, and legal capacity development. The addendum is USAIDуs invitation to the private sector to jointly identify and define key challenges and collaborate with USAID in areas where our goals and interests align. It also defines broad areas in which we see the greatest potential for collaboration in alignment with USAIDуs strategic interests in Rwanda. The areas of greatest interest to USAID/Rwanda include increasing availability of and access to nutritious foods; increasing employment opportunities for youth, especially in rural areas; providing education and skills training to youth, specifically in the areas of English language and computing; and increasing the clarity and consistency in the interpretation and enforcement of laws and contracts. More details on each of these areas can be found in the addendum attached to this announcement.
Contact Information
Agency for International Development
Rwanda USAID-Kigali
Agency Contact:
Geraldine Kyazze
Sr Acquisition and Assistance Spec
Phone 250252596400 -
Agency Mailing Address:
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