Lont Term Curation Services
Post Date
August 17th 2015
Application Due Date
August 31st 2015
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$1 - $202500
Grant Description
The Bureau of Reclamation generates collections of archeological materials and records in accordance with multiple federal laws. Following 36 CFR 79, these federal museum properties must be curated by a repository or museum meeting Department of the Interior standards. The Natural History Museum of Utah meets these standards, as well as those of the American Association of Museums. The museum has curated the collections from the Colorado River Storage Project, including Glen Canyon and Flaming Gorge since the 1950s, because under the terms of the original agreements between the United States and the Museum, they were stipulated to ЯretainН the Collections. RECIPIENT INVOLVEMENT Following 36 CFR Part 79, the responsibilities of the depositor (Reclamation) and the museum are to be as follows: The Repository shall: 1. Perform long-term curatorial services for the Collection per 36 CFR 79 and the Museumмs policies. 2. Perform an annual inventory of the Collection following 411 Department Manual requirements and report on this inventory to Reclamation. If there is any loss, theft, destruction, or damage to the Collection, report this to Reclamation, along with information about use of the Collection, and progress made in accessioning, cataloging, conserving, or otherwise caring for the Collection. 3. At the beginning of the Agreement (in FY2015), complete a facility checklist and submit it to Reclamation. 4. Review and approve requests for destructive analysis of common objects within the Collection following Museum policies without notification to Reclamation. However, the Museum shall seek Reclamationмs approval of any proposal to destructively analyze rare, significant or controversial objects within the Collection. 5. Credit Reclamation with ownership of the Collection when utilized for public display or other use with the credit line: ЯCollections of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.Н 6. If requested, provide Reclamation with a copy of Collection accession and catalog records. 7. Not repatriate, mortgage, pledge, assign, exchange, give, sublet, discard or part with the Collection or any other U.S. Government-owned property to a third party either directly or indirectly without the prior written or verbal permission of Reclamation. In addition, not take any action whereby any of the Collection of any other U.S. Government-owned property shall or may be encumbered, seized, taken in execution, sold, attached, lost, stolen, destroyed, or damaged without the prior written or verbal permission of Reclamation. 8. Administrative tasks associated with de-accession.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Reclamation
Agency Contact:
Deborah Chorlton
Grants Management Specialist
Phone 801-524-3734 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:

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