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PRM NGO Projects in South Asia

Post Date

January 28th 2011

Application Due Date

March 3rd 2011

Funding Opportunity Number


CFDA Number(s)


Funding Instrument Type(s)

Cooperative Agreement

Funding Activity Categories


Refugee assistance. International Organizations (IOs) that are engaged in programs relevant to the assistance addressed by this PRM funding announcement should ensure that these programs are made known to PRM on or before the closing date of this funding announcement so that PRM can evaluate all IO and NGO programs for funding consideration.

Eligibility Categories


(1) Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education and international organizations; and (2) International Organizations.


  • Estimated Total Funding:


  • Award Range:

    $150000 - $2500000

Grant Description

PRM will prioritize funding for proposed non-governmental organization (NGO) activities that best meet the Bureau’s priorities for Tibetan refugees in South Asia, as identified below. (a) Proposed activities should primarily support Tibetan refugees in South Asia. Successful proposals will seek to address the needs of Tibetan refugees in both India and Nepal (and, to a lesser extent, Bhutan), although applicants may also submit proposals targeted to one or the other of these sub-populations. (b) Proposals must focus on at least one of the following sectors: Protection; Health and Nutrition (including sexual and reproductive health); Livelihoods (including education); and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). (c) PRM will accept proposals from any NGO working in the above mentioned sectors although, given budgetary constraints, priority will be given to proposals from organizations that can demonstrate: • In Nepal, a working relationship with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), current UNHCR funding, and/or a letter of support from UNHCR for the proposed activities and/or overall country program (this letter should highlight the gap in services the proposed program is designed to address). • A proven track record in providing proposed assistance both in the sector and specified location. • Evidence of coordination with international organizations (IOs) and other NGOs working in the same area or sector as well as local authorities, including Tibetan settlement officers and, in India, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). NGOs are encouraged to submit proposals that complement existing protection and assistance activities for Tibetans in South Asia, including ongoing and planned USAID programs benefitting Tibetan refugees. • A concrete implementation plan with well-conceived objectives and indicators that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and reliable, time-bound and trackable (SMART), have established baselines, and include at least one outcome or impact indicator per objective. • Identification of sustainable programming opportunities that enhance the capacity and self-sufficiency of the Tibetan community and settlements. • A budget that is appropriate for meeting the objectives and demonstrates co-funding by non-US government sources. • Appropriate targeting of beneficiaries in coordination with other relevant organizations. Because of PRM's mandate to provide protection, assistance, and sustainable solutions for refugees and victims of conflict, PRM considers for funding only those projects that include a target beneficiary base of at least 50% refugees. • Adherence to relevant international standards for humanitarian assistance. See FY2010 General PRM NGO Guidelines for a complete list of sector-specific standards. (d) Country Specific Instructions: The following activities are priority areas for PRM in FY 2011. In India: • Protection. Priority protection activities include provision of reception services to incoming refugees. • Health and Nutrition. PRM is particularly interested in proposals that build the capacity of the CTA and its partners to address priority public health issues, including sexual and reproductive health, over the long-term. Health care proposals should seek to (1) assist the CTA and its partners in the implementation, management, and optimization of a sustainable and effective health information system; (2) build the capacity of the CTA and its partners to prevent, detect, and treat infectious diseases and other priority public health issues; and/or (3) develop the skill sets of health care providers, including awareness and implementation of treatment protocols, throughout the settlements. • Livelihoods. Activities in this area may include education. Projects are encouraged to include a livelihoods support component. Proposed livelihoods activities should be coordinated with relevant USAID programming, be based upon market assessments and analyses, and consider protection issues related to the proposed livelihood activities. Standalone vocational training not linked to income generating activities will not be considered for funding. • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). Proposals may seek to address WASH needs in both rural and urban Tibetan refugee settlements. Programs should be developed and/or implemented in coordination with the CTA, the Tibetan community including Tibetan settlement officers, and appropriate agencies of the host government. NGOs are encouraged to submit a letter of support from the CTA for the proposed activities and/or overall country program. Evidence of community level participation in development of proposals and setting of activity priorities is strongly encouraged. In Nepal: • Protection. Reception services for incoming refugees are provided by UNHCR. NGO activities designed to address the vulnerable situation of new Tibetan arrivals as well as the long-standing Tibetan population in Nepal are encouraged. • Health and Nutrition. PRM is particularly interested in proposals that build the capacity of the Tibetan community to address priority public health issues, including sexual and reproductive health, over the long-term. Activities should not duplicate services provided to Tibetans by local Nepalese health systems. Health care proposals are encouraged to develop the skill sets of Tibetan health care providers in Nepal, including awareness and implementation of treatment protocols, throughout the settlements. As appropriate, activities may seek to assist the Tibetan community in Nepal with the development and implementation of a sustainable and effective health information system that is compatible with ongoing efforts in the Tibetan settlements in India. • Livelihoods. Activities in this area may include education. Proposed livelihoods activities should be coordinated with relevant USAID programming, be based upon market assessments and analyses, and consider protection issues related to the proposed livelihood activities. Standalone vocational training not linked to income generating activities will not be considered for funding. Proposed activities must take into account the legal environment governing work status for Tibetan refugees in Nepal. • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). Proposals may seek to address WASH needs in both rural and urban Tibetan refugee settlements. NGO proposals are encouraged to include local capacity building elements across all sector areas in Nepal. Proposals should address the needs of Tibetan refugees in urban and rural settlements. Appropriate consideration should be given to norms and conditions in surrounding Nepali communities and parity in resource distribution, so that surrounding Nepali communities are supportive of and open to the continued presence of the Tibetan community. Relevant program components must be implemented in coordination with UNHCR, the Tibetan community including Tibetan settlement officers, and appropriate agencies of the host government. Evidence of community level participation in development of proposals and setting of activity priorities is strongly encouraged. NGOs are encouraged to submit a letter of support from the Tibetan community in Nepal as well as the Central Tibetan Administration in India for the proposed activities and/or overall country program. ********************************** For more details on this specific opportunity, please click the "Full Announcement" link. For PRM's general NGO guidelines, please go to the Funding Opportunities page of PRM’s website: After you've read both documents, please contact Program Officer Rebecca Kinsey at 202-453-9287 ( with any questions. Funding opportunity announcements and PRM's general NGO guidelines are also on PRM's website.

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