Integrative Paleoanthropology Grants (IPG)
Post Date
December 30th 2010
Application Due Date
April 15th 2011
Please note that proposals should be submitted to either the Physical Anthropology (PD 98-1392) or the Archaeology (PD 98-1391) program
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Award Range:
$None - $1000000
Grant Description
The Physical Anthropology and Archaeology Programs are pleased to invite investigators to apply for an "Integrative Paleoanthropology Grant." Contingent on availability of funds, in 2011 the Programs plan to make a single award FOR A MAXIMUM of $1,000,000 for a MULTI-YEAR PROJECT UP TO five years in duration. Also depending on availability of funds and applicant response, a longer term annual competition is envisioned. The goal of the competition is to further innovative, integrative research to elucidate the principles which underlie hominin biological and behavioral evolution over deep time. While the intellectual scope of the competition is thus constrained, the potential methodologies and disciplines are not. It is understood, for example, that fields such as cognitive science, genetics or mathematical modeling may be directly relevant to such an endeavor. The competition is intended to stimulate integrative research which crosses normal disciplinary and intellectual boundaries in original ways and this aspect is a central criterion and requirement of the competition. Competition organizers recognize the difficulty in defining concepts such as "innovative integrative research" since much paleoanthropological research is currently interdisciplinary and integrative in nature. "Integration", for example, need not only be cross-disciplinary but might encompass broader perspectives on regional and large scale comparative issues. Proposals are required to address this issue directly in the project description by using up to two pages of the 15 to specifically speak to how the proposed research is both integrative and innovative beyond norms currently in practice and how the proposed research could not be accomplished otherwise. Reviewers and Program Officials will place significant weight on this criterion. Applicants should submit their proposal to either the Physical Anthropology or Archaeology Programs by 4/15/2011. Proposals should follow standard Program guidelines (except for the listed target dates) that are available on the Program's web sites, and should be identified by the inclusion of the "IPG" prefix in the application title. PLEASE NOTE THE RECENT NSF REQUIREMENT THAT PROPOSALS REQUESTING POSTDOCTORAL SUPPORT MUST INCLUDE A POSTDOCTORAL MENTORING PLAN. FROM JANUARY 18, 2011 NSF ALSO REQUIRES THAT ALL PROPOSALS CONTAIN A DATA MANAGEMENT PLAN. Both of these plans will have a specific place to be incorporated under Supplementary Documents on the Form Preparation screen in Fastlane. Proposals will be evaluated through both outside review and a specially constituted panel. In addition to the specifics discussed above, standard NSF review criteria apply.
Contact Information
National Science Foundation
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