National Park Service - FY2016 MPNHA Implementation of Management Plan
Post Date
January 25th 2016
Application Due Date
February 3rd 2016
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Non-competitive notice of intent to award
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$60000 - $60000
Grant Description
National Heritage Areas are places where natural, cultural, historic and scenic resources combine to form a cohesive, nationally important landscape arising from human activity shaped by geography. These patterns make National Heritage Areas representative of the national experience through the physical features that remain and the traditions that have evolved in them. These regions are acknowledged by Congress for their capacity to tell nationally important stories about our nation. This Task Agreement focuses on planning, administration, public outreach, media, and demonstration projects that are identified in the management plan for the MPNHA and serve a public purpose under P.L. No. 109-338, 120 Stat. 1738. Substantial involvement on the part the National Park Service (NPS) is anticipated for the successful completion of the objectives to be funded by this award. NPS staff will provide technical and financial assistance to the Alliance regarding the development and implementation of the management plan; review MPNHAмs list of applicants and recommended subgrants to ensure compliance with the heritage areaмs management plan and enabling legislation; and provide consultation and technical assistance and ensure all applicable State and Federal laws are adhered too including the National Environmental Policy Act and the National Historic Preservation Act.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Agency Contact:
Todd Wilson
Grants Management Specialist -
Agency Mailing Address:
NPS Email
- Agency Email Address:

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