Population Genetics and Viability Analyses for NPS and FWS Bison Herds
Post Date
August 28th 2015
Application Due Date
November 30th -0001
Notice of Intent to Award. No applications will be accepted.
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Natural Resources
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Non-Profits With 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Private Institutions of Higher Education
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$1 - $178000
Grant Description
The NPS has authorized FY15-17 funding through the internally competitive NPS-SCC-Natural Resource Funding Source for a project entitled ___NPS 21st Century Bison Conservation Management___ (PMIS 192433) in order to collaboratively develop state-of-knowledge about American Bison genetics and population viability to serve as a scientifically valid foundation for collaborative conservation of the American Bison through the 21st century. This Task Agreement utilizes NPS FY15 funding to directly address specific tasks denoted below that specifically address priorities as described in the 2008 DOI Bison Conservation Initiative, the 2010 IUCN American Bison Conservation Assessment, and the 2011 NPS Call to Action. The outcomes of this Task Agreement utilizing FY15 NPS funds will contribute directly to additional FY16-17 Bison conservation activities to be conducted through NPS PMIS 192433.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Agency Contact:
STEVE LIVINGSTON, 303-969-2690
Steve_Livingston@nps.gov -
Agency Mailing Address:
Notice of Intent to Award. No applications will be accepted.
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