OVC FY13 Services for Victims of Human Trafficking
Post Date
April 25th 2013
Application Due Date
June 10th 2013
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Income Security and Social Services
Law, Justice and Legal Services
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
By statute, grants under this program may be awarded to states, units of local government (including federally recognized Indian tribal governments, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior), and nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations (including tribal nonprofits). For the purposes of this program, a unit of local government is any city, county, township, town, borough, parish, village, or other general purpose political subdivision of a state or territory. Organizations with a demonstrated history of providing victim assistance, social services, legal services, shelter or mental health services for victims of human trafficking are eligible to apply. OVC may elect to make awards for applications submitted under this solicitation in future fiscal years, dependent on the merit of the applications and on the availability of appropriations.
Award Range:
$None - $400000
Grant Description
Approximately seven cooperative agreements of up to $400,000 each will be awarded to provide timely, high-quality services to victims of human trafficking as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, as amended, and to enhance interagency collaboration and coordination in the provision of services to such victims. Funding will support either a comprehensive array of services for all trafficking victims, or specialized services for trafficking victims. Funding also will support efforts to increase the capacity of communities to respond to victims through the development of interagency partnerships and professional training, public outreach, and awareness campaigns. Those applying are urged to begin in advance of the June 10, 2013, deadline.
Contact Information
Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Agency Contact:
For technical assistance with submitting an application, contact the Grants.gov Customer Support Hotline at 800п518п4726 or 606п545п5035, or via e-mail to support@grants.gov.
Note: The Grants.gov Support Hotline hours of operation are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except federal holidays.
Agency Mailing Address:
For Programmatic Questions Only
- Agency Email Address:
Office for Victims of Crime
- More Information:

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