FY 2009 Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) - For Proposal Submission to the Army
Post Date
September 8th 2008
Application Due Date
January 9th 2009
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Eligibility Categories
Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Private Institutions of Higher Education
Award Range:
$0 - $1500000
Grant Description
The MURI program supports basic science and/or engineering research at U.S. institutions of higher education that is of critical importance to national defense. The program is focused on multidisciplinary research efforts that intersect more than one traditional science and engineering discipline to address issues of critical concern to the DoD. The FY 2009 MURI competition is for the 32 topics listed in the BAA. White papers and full proposals addressing the following topics (22) through (32) should be submitted to the Army Research Office (ARO): (22) Disruptive Fibers for Flexible Armor; (23) Network-based Hard/Soft Information Fusion; (24) Tailored Stress-Wave Mitigation; (25) Integrated Quantum Circuits; (26) Adaptive Structural Materials; (27) Transformational Optics; (28) Emergent Phenomena at Complex Oxide Interfaces; (29) Application of Systems Biology to Regenerative Medicine; (30) Mechanisms of Bacterial Spore Germination; (31) Opportunistic Sensing; (32) Cyber Situation Awareness. Detailed descriptions of the topics can be found in Section VIII entitled, “Specific MURI Topics”, of the BAA. The detailed descriptions are intended to provide the proposer a frame of reference and are not meant to be restrictive to the possible approaches to achieving the goals of the topic and the program. Innovative ideas addressing these research topics are highly encouraged.
Contact Information
Department of Defense
Dept of the Army -- Materiel Command
Agency Contact:
Lida Barton
Phone 919-549-4266 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Lida Barton
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