OJJDP FY 16 Safe and Thriving Communities: Uniting Community Based Violence Prevention, Defending Childhood and National Forum Approaches to Prevent and Heal Violence
Post Date
April 22nd 2016
Application Due Date
June 21st 2016
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Law, Justice and Legal Services
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
State Governments
County Governments
City or Township Governments
Federally Recognized Native American Tribal Governments
Category 1: New Applicants. Eligible applicants are limited to units of local government, state agencies proposing local initiatives in collaboration with community-based organizations, and federally recognized tribal governments (as determined by the Secretary of the Interior). Existing grantees funded under OJJDPуs National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention, Defending Childhood, and Community-Based Violence Prevention initiatives are eligible only under Category 2. Category 2: Existing Grantees. Eligible applicants are existing grantee sites of OJJDPуs National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention, Defending Childhood, and Community-Based Violence Prevention initiatives that did not receive funding under the FY 2015 Youth Violence Prevention Enhancement solicitation. (Refer to the matrix, Appendix B, page 52.) All Applicants: To be eligible for consideration for funding under this solicitation, applicants must provide letters of commitment/memoranda of understanding that the chief executive officer (e.g., mayor, county executive, tribal chair), chief of police, superintendent of schools within the locality, and directors of public health, housing, workforce development, economic development, and child welfare (or the equivalent positions) have signed. Letters of commitment/memoranda must indicate an understanding of the goals of the proposal, describe the roles and responsibilities of the signer and/or represented agency, and specify the fiscal and staffing resource commitments made to the collaboration. OJJDP welcomes applications that involve two or more entities that will carry out the funded federal award activities; however, one eligible entity must be the applicant and the other(s) must be proposed as subrecipient(s). The applicant must be the entity with primary responsibility for administering the funding and managing the entire project. Only one application per lead applicant will be considered; however, a subrecipient may be part of multiple proposals. OJJDP may elect to make awards for applications submitted under this solicitation in future fiscal years, dependent on, among other considerations, the merit of the applications and on the availability of appropriations.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$500000 - $1000000
Grant Description
This solicitation seeks to help catalyze and further advance the prevention and intervention of youth victimization and violence, especially youth gun and gang violence, by focusing efforts in partnership with a limited number of localities and Tribes. The funds are intended to help initiate or strengthen work to end youth violence and improve the wellbeing of children, youth, families and communities through comprehensive approaches that unify the central tenets of OJJDPМ╒▄ш▄╙s existing youth violence initiatives through a single, shared framework for collective action.
Contact Information
Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
Agency Contact:
For technical assistance with submitting an application, contact the Grants.gov Customer Support Hotline at 800-518-4726or 606-545-5035, or via e-mail to support@grants.gov. Hotline hours of operation are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except federal holidays.
Applicants who experience unfo -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:
Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
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