THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS- Influence of Marititme Environment at Five National Park Units- THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS
Post Date
August 21st 2015
Application Due Date
August 31st 2015
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Natural Resources
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS- Members of the Great Lakes Northern Forests CESU
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$0 - $203477
Grant Description
OVERVIEW This cooperative agreement (P15ACI1144) is entered into between the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS), and Dr. Sarah Johnson, Northland College (Recipient). STATEMENT OF JOINT OBJECTIVES/PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN This project will be a joint venture between Drs. Sarah Johnson and Jonathan Martin of Northland College and the Great Lakes Inventory and Monitoring Network of the NPS. The mutual goals for both parties are to develop papers that address the response of vegetation in the Great Lakes region to climate change. Sarah Johnson and Jonathan Martin have proposed the use of tree cores to look at the impacts of climate change in relation to proximity of large lakes, while Suzanne Sanders and Sarah Johnson propose to study the demographic responses of rare plants on Isle Royale. For the tree core project, Northland College student employees will collect the samples in the field. While at the sites, they will also collect data on GLKNмs long-term vegetation monitoring plots, while working under the supervision of GLKN staff. In addition to collecting data, Dr. Martin will work with the students in the lab to sand, treat, read, and interpret the cores. Drs. Martin and Johnson will work collaboratively with NPS staff to write a manuscript for this project. For the rare plant project, Suzanne Sanders and Jessica Kirschbaum (NPS) will work with other GLKN staff to develop databases to enter and store data associated with this project. This will include entering the data from the three previous sampling rounds, which is currently only on paper. We have made arrangements with Dr. Emmet Judziewicz from the University of Wisconsin _ Stevens Point to obtain these data. He is retiring in 2015 and wishes to turn the project over to the National Park Service. GLKN will provide transportation to, and lodging on, ISRO for Sarah Johnson. Sarah Johnson and GLKN staff will relocate and resample the rare plant plots together. RECIPIENT INVOLVEMENT 1. Provide seasonal employees to collect tree cores and sample the GLKN long-term monitoring plots for the 2016-2020 field seasons. 2. Resample the 38 rare plant plots at ISRO along with GLKN permanent staff. 3. Direct Northland College students on tree core preparation and analysis. 4. Co-author a manuscript, along with GLKN permanent staff, on the population demographics and projections of ISRO rare plant species. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE INVOLVEMENT 1. Participate and collaborate jointly with the Recipient in carrying out the scope of work. 2. To provide a NPS technical representative to be to assist with specifics of the project as needed. 3. Advertise the positions and conduct interviews. 4. Provide tools, training, and supervision to the seasonal employees while in the field. 5. Provide all needed transportation while working within the park. 6. Resample the 38 rare plant plots at ISRO along with Dr. Sarah Johnson 7. Co-author a manuscript, along with Dr. Sarah Johnson, on the population demographics and projections of ISRO rare plant species. NPS did not solicit full and open competition for this award based the unique qualifications of Dr. Sarah Johnson. We selected Dr. Sarah Johnson and Northland College because we need someone for this project who is familiar with the rare plant communities of both Apostle Islands and Isle Royale. Both parks have a number of unique plant communities and it is essential that the recipient be able to identify these specific species and to understand their ecological niche. Sampling is influenced by emergence patterns, flowering time, and plant visibility. It is also essential that the person be extremely familiar with the remote areas where these populations are located and to know how they are marked. Access typically involves remote hiking with a number of logistical challenges to face. Because of the very short window when this sampling can take place, there is no time for training or Яgetting up to par.Н In addition to the rare plant project, we will be also collecting tree cores. Because GLKN employees wish to learn the core preparation process, it is strongly desired that the awardee is in close proximity to GLKN offices.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Agency Contact:
Noel Miller
Grants Management Specialist
Phone 402-661-1658 -
Agency Mailing Address:
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