THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS- Partnership to Conduct Vital Signs Monitoring of Natural Resources in 15 NPS Units- THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS
Post Date
August 20th 2015
Application Due Date
August 30th 2015
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Natural Resources
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$0 - $46102
Grant Description
OVERVIEW: The National Park Serviceмs Vital Signs Monitoring Program, established in the late 1990s, designs and implements long term monitoring for key indicators of change, or Оvital signs.м Monitoring Оvital signsм of ecosystem health, such as water quality and species diversity, provides early detection of emerging threats to park resources. These threats might result in loss of natural habitat, invasion by exotic species, or other disturbances to natural systems. This detection and tracking enables park managers to take action before serious damage can occur. Monitoring is implemented through groups of parks or Оnetworksм working together and sharing resources. The Heartland Inventory and Monitoring Network in partnership with Missouri State University provides the science to support stewardship of natural resources at 15 National Park Service units across eight states in the central Great Plains. STATEMENT OF JOINT OBJECTIVES/PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN: This cooperative agreement (Agreement) is entered into by and between the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service (NPS), and Missouri State University. The objectives of this agreement are to: 1) engage university faculty and students for the benefit of NPS park natural resources through scientific inquiry and discovery while providing students unique educational and professional opportunities in the field of natural resources management; 2) monitor Яvital signsН of ecosystem health in 15 National Park units in collaboration with students and faculty at Missouri State University by enhancing science-based natural resource stewardship to protect and conserve natural resources; 3) facilitate an awareness of resource conservation to students and the public; 4) support the Governmentмs objective to provide opportunities for youth to learn about the environment by spending time working on projects in National Parks. RECIPIENT INVOLVEMENT: 1. support an undergraduate student intern program to assist HTLN staff in the collection and processing of monitoring data. Students will receive course credit for special projects completed through the internship. 2. support graduate student research directed at information needs of parks in the Network through a graduate research stipend program. 3. provide professional assistance in the execution of vital signs monitoring and related research through temporary, full-time and part-time research assistants. 4. support long-term monitoring by employing student workers to assist network staff in the collection and processing of monitoring data. 5. provide five offices (KGSX 208, 211, 212, 213) and lab space (KGSX 222), or equivalent space, for use by NPS employees through July 31, 2019. 6. provide access to computer and phone networks for NPS staff located on campus, and custodial and maintenance services of office and lab space. 7. provide Heartland Network staff (both on and off campus) with university credentials (either staff or adjunct faculty) to allow access to the university library system and other campus resources. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE INVOLVEMENT: 1. provide financial assistance in accordance with Article VI to support undergraduate interns, graduate research, research assistants, and student workers to aid the NSP in design and implementation of long-term natural resource monitoring. 2. coordinate work tasks of MSU staff hired through this agreement, and provide input on their annual work plans and performance appraisal. 3. report changes in NPS information and support needs based on emerging priorities, inter-relationships among multiple NPS project, or on-the-ground circumstances. 4. review and approve one stage of work before the next stage can begin. 5. oversee recipient discretion with respect to scope of work, organizational structure, staffing, mode of operations and other management processes, combined with close monitoring or operational involvement during performance under this Task Agreement.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Agency Contact:
Noel Miller
Grants Management Specialist
Phone 402-661-1658 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:

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