Excellence, Innovation and Sustainability at Historically Black Colleges & Universities
Post Date
September 15th 2010
Application Due Date
September 16th 2010
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Promoting Excellence, Innovation and Sustainability at Historically Black Colleges & Universities
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$1 - $1500000
Grant Description
This Funding Announcement is not a request for applications. This announcement is to provide public notice of the National Park Service (NPS), intention to fund the following project activities without competition. OVERVIEW The Hampton University, a historically black institution, is committed to multiculturalism. Founded in 1868 during the days of Reconstruction, it has embraced the principles of "Education for life" and "learning by doing," since its founding. In 1878, Hampton established a formal education program for Native Americans, beginning the Institute's lasting commitment to serving a multicultural population. The mission of Hampton University, a comprehensive institution of higher education, is dedicated to the promotion of learning, building of character and preparation of promising students for positions of leadership and service. Research and public service are integral parts of Hampton's mission. In order to enhance scholarship and discovery faculty are engaged in writing, research, and grants. Faculty, staff and students provide leadership and service to the University as well as the global community. In achieving its mission, Hampton University offers exemplary programs and opportunities which enable students, faculty and staff to grow, develop and contribute to our society in a productive, useful manner. The DOI/NPS, the lead bureau, wishes to continue their long-standing efforts through a cooperative agreement, to provide a cooperative framework for the parties to develop and establish programs that will empower the African American community through a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) and a Predominantly Black Institution (PBI), to attain educational excellence while contributing positively to the DOI/NPS and Hampton University missions. This program will be directed toward promoting career opportunities, professional development, research and other opportunities for students, faculty and staff at a historically and predominantly black college and university, as well as programs, contracting and other opportunities to help build the capacity of Hampton University and other institutions. RECIPIENT INVOLVEMENT 1. Work with NPS in developing a program involving cooperative efforts in conference development, promoting career opportunities, professional development, research and other opportunities for students, faculty and staff at historically and predominantly black colleges and universities. This will be accomplished through the creation of conferences, workshops, leadership training, internships and cooperative research projects. 2. HU will provide experts in their field as conference speakers and contributors to conference development, workshops and leadership training from HU faculty as well as utilize other Minority Serving Institutions, agencies, bureaus and organizations to assist with providing expertise for the projects. 3. HU will provide facilities for conferences, workshops and leadership training. 4. HU will participate in the selection of HBCU & PBI interns for NPS projects as well as coordinate the needs of the interns including, but not limited to, recruitment, subsistence, travel & lodging as applicable. 5. Work with NPS to create research models and other opportunities for students, faculty and staff at historically and predominantly black colleges and universities as they relate to a diverse American workforce within the fields of the environment, cultural resources, historical resources and natural resources. 6. Collaborate with NPS to publish the results of knowledge gained through conferences, workshops, leadership training, internships and cooperative research projects, as applicable. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE INVOLVEMENT 1. Work with Hampton University in developing a program involving cooperative efforts in conference development, promoting career opportunities, professional development, research and other opportunities for students, faculty and staff at historically and predominantly black colleges and universities. This will be accomplished through the creation of conferences, workshops, leadership training, internships and cooperative research projects. 2. Assign an appropriate DOI/NPS employee to monitor the ongoing work, to respond to questions about the nature and goals of the projects, review each phase of a project prior to the commencement of subsequent phases and act as a liaison among the parties in the development of conferences, workshops, leadership training, intern selection and cooperative research projects. 3. In collaboration with Hampton University, provide information for accomplishing projects of DOI/NPS interest to enhance the environmental, cultural and historical awareness of participants.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Agency Contact:
Heidi Sage
Contract Specialist (Contractor)
Phone 303-969-2378 -
Agency Mailing Address:
NPS Email
- Agency Email Address:
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