Expansion of LandScope Chesapeake
Post Date
July 6th 2015
Application Due Date
July 15th 2015
This is NOT a request for applications; this is just an announcement that an award has been given to NatureServe, Inc.for their work on the Expansion of LandScope Chesapeake.
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
This is NOT a request for applications; this is just an announcement that an award has been given to NatureServe, Inc.for their work on the Expansion of LandScope Chesapeake.
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Non-Profits With 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
This is NOT a request for applications; this is just an announcement that an award has been given to NatureServe, Inc.for their work on the Expansion of LandScope Chesapeake.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$35000 - $35000
Grant Description
This is NOT a request for applications; this is just an announcement that an award has been given to NatureServe, Inc.for their work on the Expansion of LandScope Chesapeake. NatureServe Agrees To: 1. Recruit, retain, and supervise a full time LandScope Chesapeake Fellow with responsibilities for strengthening communication and outreach among Chesapeake Conservation Partnership organizations and promoting LandScope among target user groups. 2. Subject to successful matching through the Chesapeake Conservation Corps Program, host a one-year CCC volunteer intern who will expand the LandScope Chesapeake teamмs capacity by acquiring and publishing identified priority geospatial, editorial, and multi-media content from partner organizations. 3. Work with the Chesapeake Conservation Partnership Coordinator to expand the Conservation Partners section of LandScope Chesapeake to highlight and promote key partner organizations and to seek cross-promotion placements on partner sites. 4. Work with the lead points of contact in participating non-governmental organizations and federal and state agencies to identify, acquire, prepare, publish and curate spatial, visual, and narrative content for LandScope Chesapeake. 5. Enhance the LandScope Chesapeake land protection reporting and tracking tool to allow users to specify their area of interest, such as by selecting a sub-watershed or by drawing a custom polygon, and expand results to incorporate updated Chesapeake Bay Program analyses on protected lands in designated high value forests and wetlands (pending provision of these new map services and associated land protection statistics by USGS). 6. Seek opportunities to expand interoperability between LandScope Chesapeake and other partner-identified online resources beyond the current methods of cross-promotion via web links and integration of data and map web services by piloting dynamic integration of shared geoprocessing services and tools. 7. Through a combination of Google Analytics and/or online, emailed, or phone surveys, establish an understanding of existing usage, and a baseline against which to direct outreach to increase future usage. 8. Promote LandScope Chesapeake at workshops, conferences, meetings, and other venues which involve potential users and partners. 9. Work to secure funding from other sources to support targeted platform enhancements responding to identified partner needs.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Agency Contact:
Keith Zotti
Partnership Program Specialist
Phone 2155979153 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:

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