Coastal instability and cross-shore sediment movement: Management in the face of sea level rise (Phase Three)
Post Date
September 9th 2013
Application Due Date
September 13th 2013
This is NOT a request for applications. This is just an announcement that NPS is continuing its agreement with PCCS for Phase 3 of their work on coastal instability and cross-shore sediment movement: Management in the face of sea level rise.
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
This is NOT a request for applications. This is just an announcement that NPS is continuing its agreement with PCCS for Phase 3 of their work on coastal instability and cross-shore sediment movement: Management in the face of sea level rise.
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Non-Profits With 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
This is NOT a request for applications. This is just an announcement that NPS is continuing its agreement with PCCS for Phase 3 of their work on coastal instability and cross-shore sediment movement: Management in the face of sea level rise.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$80000 - $80000
Grant Description
This is NOT a request for applications. This is just an announcement that NPS is continuing its agreement with PCCS for Phase 3 of their work on coastal instability and cross-shore sediment movement: Management in the face of sea level rise. Specifically, the cooperator will: The Cooperator will: 1. Data Acquisition and Formatting A. Acquire source data 1) Maj. J.D. Graham [1830уs]. 2) Henry L. Marindin / H-sheet [1880уs]. 3) USC&GS bathymetric surveys [1930уs]. 4) USACE (and other) lidar, PCCS bathymetry [2000уs]. B. Convert source data to standard format. 1) Georectify 1833 charts. 2) Convert all horizontal and vertical datums to NAD83(v2011, epoch 2010) (hor.) and NAVD88 (vert.). 3) Digitize numerical data from historical charts and surveys (above). 4) Plot final topography, bathymetry and shorelines for all four time periods. 5) Estimate positional accuracy based on historical benchmarks and contemporary tidal records. 2. Data processing and Analysis A. Overlay topography, bathymetry and shorelines; measure change and produce summary tables and figures. B. Derive and plot cross-shore transects. C. Overlay transects and measure volumetric change rates (vol/unit longshore dist/yr) for each time period represented by data sources. 3. Data Interpretation and Verification A. Estimate longshore and cross-shore transport rates by time period. B. Field observations. (1) Establish cross-shore observation line. (2) Estimate tidal currents from drogue deployments. (3) Observe bedforms and sample seafloor sediment. (4) Analyze sediment for size and sorting characteristics. IV. Report Preparation
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
National Park Service
Agency Contact:
Keith Zotti
Partnership Program Specialist
Phone 2155979153 -
Agency Mailing Address:
PCCS Phase 3
- Agency Email Address:
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