Global Gold Mining Project
Post Date
June 22nd 2015
Application Due Date
November 30th -0001
This is a Notice of Intent (NOI) and not a request for funding applications.
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
This is a Notice of Intent (NOI) and not a request for funding applications.
Eligibility Categories
Any commercial, international, educational, or non-profit organization(s), including any faith-based, community-based, or public international organization(s) capable of successfully convening multiple stakeholders, cultivating partnerships at the international, national, and local level, and proven history of success in working with the private sector on issues of human rights, artisanal and small-scale mining, child labor, working conditions, and/or supply chain management. Lack of past experience with USDOL cooperative agreements, grants, or contracts does not bar eligibility. All applicants for ILAB funding opportunities must have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number and be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) prior to applying for funding. For more information, please see and Successful applicants will be required to ensure any subrecipients also have a DUNS registered in SAM prior to receiving ILAB approval of any subawards.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$None - $5000000
Grant Description
This Notice of Intent (NOI) is not a request for funding applications. Subject to the availability of funds, USDOLмs Bureau of International Labor Affairs (ILAB) intends to award, through a competitive process, one or more cooperative agreements to organizations to implement a project(s) to develop and implement strategies to reduce child labor and improve working conditions in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM), including by convening key stakeholders to support the effort. The project will include action at the country level and the global level. In two pilot countries└Ghana and the Philippines└the project will convene a wide range of stakeholders and support actions to (1) strengthen and enforce laws and develop and implement policies and action plans to address child labor and working conditions in ASGM; (2) increase access of ASGM child laborers, their households, and other households vulnerable to child labor to social protection services and programs to improve ASGM mining practices; and (3) develop and implement mechanisms to increase transparency and monitor child labor and working conditions in gold mining supply chains, with a particular focus on ASGM. At the global level, the project will develop networks and promote the sharing of good practices among stakeholders in countries, including but not limited to the two pilot countries, where ASGM is significant. The Employment and Training Administration (ETA)мs Office of Grants Management anticipates publishing the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) before the end of September 2015 (this date is subject to change). Please refer to: and for general guidelines and examples of previous cooperative agreement applications. This NOI does not include an FOA or any attachments. It only constitutes a notice of USDOLмs intent to publish an FOA at a later date. Interested applicants are encouraged to monitor for the FOA because this is the method by which it will be made available to the public. No email or paper copies will be provided.
Contact Information
Department of Labor
Employment and Training Administration
Agency Contact:
NOTE: This is an NOI. There is not an announcement related to this notice. Mr. Dorjan Chaney, Grants Management Specialist
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:
Bureau of International Labor Affairs
- More Information:

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