NOAA Great Lakes Habitat Restoration Project Grants under the U.S. Great Lakes Restoration Initiative in Areas of Concern
Post Date
January 2nd 2015
Application Due Date
March 3rd 2015
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Natural Resources
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Eligible applicants are institutions of higher education, non-profits, and commercial (for profit) organizations, organizations under the jurisdiction of foreign governments, international organizations, and state, local and Indian tribal governments. Applications from federal agencies or employees of federal agencies will not be considered. Federal agencies are strongly encouraged to work with states, non-governmental organizations, municipal and county governments, conservation corps organizations and others that are eligible to apply. The Department of Commerce/ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DOC/NOAA) is strongly committed to broadening the participation of historically black colleges and universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, tribal colleges and universities, and institutions that work in under-served areas. The RC encourages applications involving any of the above institutions.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$75000 - $10000000
Grant Description
NOAA delivers funding and technical expertise to restore Great Lakes coastal habitats. These habitats support valuable fisheries and protected resources; improve the quality of our water; provide recreational opportunities for the public's use and enjoyment; and buffer our coastal communities from the impacts of changing lake levels. Projects funded through NOAA have strong on-the-ground habitat restoration components that provide social and economic benefits for people and their communities in addition to long-term ecological habitat improvements. Through this solicitation, NOAA seeks to openly compete funding available for habitat restoration in U.S. Great Lakes Areas of Concern ( under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative as anticipated in the President's FY2015 Budget. Applications should be submitted for any project that is to be considered for this funding, even for those projects already submitted as applications to other NOAA competitions. Competition will ensure that the most beneficial restoration projects are selected to realize significant ecological gains. Applications selected for funding through this solicitation will be implemented through a grant or cooperative agreement. Funds will be administered by the NOAA Restoration Center (RC). Multi-year cooperative agreement awards will be considered, and additional releases of funds may be used to fund selected proposals through FY17 without further competition. Awards are dependent upon the amount of funds made available to NOAA for this purpose by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. NOAA anticipates approximately $15 million may be available over the next three years to maintain selected awards, dependent upon the level of funding made available by Congress. One, two, or three year proposals will be accepted. Award funding options will include: ╔ For one year requests for habitat implementation proposals, NOAA will not accept applications requesting less than $500,000 or more than $6 million of federal funds. Typical awards for one year requests for habitat restoration implementation are expected to range between $500,000 and $2 million. ╔ For one year requests for engineering and design proposals, NOAA will not accept applications requesting less than $75,000 or more than $350,000. Typical awards for engineering and design are expected to range between $100,000 and $350,000. ╔ For multi-year awards, regardless of the type of proposal, NOAA will not accept applications requesting less than $750,000 and more than $10 million for up to a three year award period.
Contact Information
Department of Commerce
Agency Contact:
Julie Sims at 734-741-2385
Jessica Berrio at 301-427-8654 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:

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