Post Date
April 1st 2009
Application Due Date
April 26th 2009
Notice of Intent Due: April 26, 2009 Full Proposals Due: May 25, 2009 Awards Annouinced: Week of August 07, 2009
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Eligibility Categories
Private Institutions of Higher Education
Award Range:
$None - $None
Grant Description
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is releasing a NASA Research Announcement (NRA), for NRA NNK09ZXA001N, Minority University Research and Education Programs (MUREP) Small Programs (MSP) Opportunity. This effort will seek innovative approaches to using NASA-themed content in support of higher education teaching and learning. Each funded proposal is expected to leverage NASA’s unique contributions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to enhance students’ academic experiences and/or to improve educators’ abilities to engage and stimulate their students. The outcomes of the proposal shall support NASA education reporting metrics for higher education. The target students shall be enrolled at an accredited college or university, with a declared major in STEM, or pre-service teachers. Proposed work must be grounded in education research and/or best practices, and incorporate formative, summative, and other evaluations, as appropriate. Desired Outcomes The Minority University Research and Education Programs (MUREP) Small Programs (MSP) Competitive Grant Opportunity (MSPCG) activity will consider proposals that use the STEM content of NASA’s missions to: • Develop, promote, or utilize new, innovative, and replicable approaches to improving STEM learning and instruction in support of NASA's reporting metrics; and • Provide experiences and activities that are grounded in education research or utilize evidence-supported approaches, techniques, and tools. Number and Size of Awards It is anticipated that approximately 3-4 awards, ranging from $50K - $350K each ($840K total has been allocated for this solicitation), for a one-year period of performance may be made under this NRA, pursuant to the authority of the NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Handbook (, Section 1260.12(d). Successful projects will be eligible for renewal for up to two additional years, based on project performance and funds availability. NASA reserves the right to partially fund projects, limit the number of projects funded, or limit the funding level below the allocated amount. Eligibility Proposals will be accepted from Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) and organizations that support MSIs and underserved/underrepresented students. Eligible MSIs include the Department of Education designated Historically Black College or University (HBCU), Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI), Tribal College or University (TCU), or MSIs that offer degrees in STEM disciplines. Please check for a complete listing of the minority institutions. These organizations and universities may apply through partnership with a NASA field center, although such a partnership is not a requirement for eligibility. Proposal Process: Notice of Intent and Full Proposals Proposers shall submit a short Notice of Intent (NOI) that briefly describes the work to be performed, NASA content to be featured, audiences to be reached, need, innovative approaches to be employed, estimated costs, and summary of evidence supporting the methods, techniques, and tools to be used. NOIs assist NASA in assessing the response to this NRA and to determine the expertise required for the proposal review panel. The NOI will be due on April 26, 2009. NOI submission by the due date is required. Full proposals will be due on May 25, 2009. Proposal Submission All information needed to respond to this solicitation is contained in this NRA and in the companion document entitled Guidebook for Proposers Responding to a NASA Research Announcement January 2008 Edition (hereafter referred to as the NASA Guidebook for Proposers). This document is located at NRA Availability This announcement is accessible through the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES) and through To access through NSPIRES, go to and click on Solicitations. To access through, go to and select the link for NASA. NASA Safety Policy Safety is the freedom from those conditions that can cause death, injury, occupational illness, damage to or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment. NASA’s safety priority is to protect: (1) the public, (2) astronauts and pilots, (3) the NASA workforce (including employees working under NASA award instruments), and (4) high-value equipment and property. Inquiries: Direct questions, in writing, specifically regarding this solicitation to: Theresa Martinez NASA KSC, XA-D Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899 Responses to questions will be made available to all proposers through the NSPIRES website. Release Date: March 25, 2009 Notice of Intent Due: April 26, 2009 Full Proposals Due: May 25, 2009 Awards Announced: Week of August 7, 2009 Proposal due date is May 25, 2009. The electronic submission of each proposal's Cover Page/Proposal Summary/Budget Summary is required by the due date for proposal submission. This solicitation leading to the award of a Grant is issued pursuant to title 14 CFR Part 1260 for educational and nonprofit institutions. Notwithstanding the posting of this opportunity at,, or at both sites, NASA reserves the right to determine the appropriate award instrument for each proposal selected pursuant to this announcement.
Contact Information
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Kennedy Space Center
Agency Contact:
Marco Pochy
NAIS Support -
Agency Mailing Address:
Direct questions about this funding announcement to:
- Agency Email Address:
More Information:
Click on the following link to see the full text of the announcement for this funding opportunity.

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