D.2 Leading Edge Aeronautics Research for NASA Project (LEARN3)
Post Date
October 22nd 2015
Application Due Date
December 8th 2015
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Eligibility Categories
Award Range:
$None - $None
Grant Description
Amendment 9 to the NASA ARMD Research Opportunities in Aeronautics (ROA) 2015 NRA has been posted on the NSPIRES site. This release includes a topic in Appendix D.2 in support of the Leading Edge Aeronautics Research for NASA (LEARN) Project. This amendment seeks proposals for innovative, multi-__disciplinary, multi-__institutional, team-__based proposals of aeronautical concepts for distributed airport infrastructures and complementary air vehicles to provide efficient, safe, secure, sustainable and improved people mobility while utilizing existing small and medium airport locations in the USA. LEARN3 will use a 2-__step proposal process. Step-__A proposals are due 12/08/2015. Step-__B proposals will be due 30 days after the notification for Step-__B proposals is issued.
Contact Information
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Headquarters
Agency Contact:
Koushik Datta
Agency Mailing Address:
If you have difficulty accessing the full announcement electronically, please contact:
- Agency Email Address:
More Information:
Click on the following link to see the full text of the announcement for this funding opportunity.

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