K-12 Competitive Grants Opportunity (K12CG)
Post Date
July 21st 2008
Application Due Date
October 27th 2008
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Eligibility Categories
Proposers must be affiliated with an institution at nspires.nasaprs.com/ and, in general, NASA provides funding only to US institutions. Organizations outside the U.S. that propose on the basis of a policy of no-exchange-of-funds; consult Appendix B Section (l) of the guidebook for proposers (http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/procurement/nraguidebook/) for specific details. Some NRAs may be issued jointly with a non-U.S. organization, e.g., those concerning guest observing programs for jointly sponsored space science programs, that will contain additional special guidelines for non-U.S. participants. Also ref. Sections 2.3.10(c)(vii) of the guidebook for proposers for special instructions for proposals from non-U.S. organizations that involve U.S. personnel for whom NASA support is requested.
Award Range:
$None - $None
Grant Description
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Office of Education solicits proposals for NASA K-12 Competitive Grants (K12CG). The K12CG effort will seek innovate approaches to using NASA-themed content in support of secondary level teaching and learning, with a particular emphasis on high school education. Each funded proposal is expected to leverage NASA’s unique contributions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to enhance students’ academic experiences and/or to improve educators’ abilities to engage and stimulate their students. Proposed work must be grounded in education research and/or best practices, and incorporate formative, summative, and other evaluations, as appropriate. Proposals will be accepted from U.S. public secondary schools, school districts, state-based education leadership, and not-for-profit education organizations that support secondary education. Universities, industry, education-related companies, and other institutions may apply through partnership with the lead organization. NASA Education will use a two-step process for reviewing and selecting proposals. Proposers will submit a short Notice of Intent and Preliminary Proposal (NOI/PP) that briefly describes the work to be performed, NASA content to be featured, audiences to be reached, need, innovative approaches to be employed, estimated costs, and summary of evidence supporting the methods, techniques, and tools to be used. NOI/PPs will be reviewed internally by the NASA Office of Education and the NASA Mission Directorates, and the authors of the most promising ideas will be asked to submit full proposals. The NOI/PPs will be due on August 22, 2008. Authors selected to develop and submit full proposals will be notified by September 22, 2008, with final proposals due on October 27, 2008. It is anticipated that approximately 6-8 awards, ranging from $750K – 1.5M total, for a two-year period of performance may be made under this NASA Research Announcement. The K12CG NRA is available on the NASA Headquarters solicitations website: http://www.nspires.nasaprs.com.
Contact Information
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Headquarters
Agency Contact:
Shelley Canright, Ph.D.
Office of Education
NASA Headquarters -
Agency Mailing Address:
The point of contact for the K12CG solicitation:
- Agency Email Address:
- More Information:

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