2009 Monkfish Research Set-Aside
Post Date
July 11th 2008
Application Due Date
September 9th 2008
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Natural Resources
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
1. Eligible applicants include, but are not limited to, institutions of higher education, hospitals, other nonprofits, commercial organizations, individuals, State, local, and Native American tribal governments. Federal agencies and institutions are not eligible to receive Federal assistance under this notice. Additionally, employees of any Federal agency or Regional Fishery Management Council (Council) are ineligible to submit an application under this program. However, Council members who are not Federal employees may submit an application. 2. DOC/NOAA supports cultural and gender diversity and encourages women and minority individuals and groups to submit applications to the RSA program. In addition, DOC/NOAA is strongly committed to broadening the participation of historically black colleges and universities, Hispanic serving institutions, tribal colleges and universities, and institutions that work in underserved areas. DOC/NOAA encourages proposals involving any of the above institutions. 3. DOC/NOAA encourages applications from members of the fishing community and applications that involve fishing community cooperation and participation.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$None - $None
Grant Description
NMFS announces that the New England and Mid- Atlantic Fishery Management Councils (Councils) have set aside 500 monkfish days-at-sea (DAS) to be used for research endeavors under a research set-aside (RSA) program. NMFS is soliciting proposals for research activities concerning the monkfish fishery for fishing year 2009 (May 1, 2009-April 30, 2010). Through the allocation of research DAS, the Monkfish RSA Program provides a mechanism to reduce the cost for vessel owners to participate in cooperative monkfish research. The intent of this program is for fishing vessels to utilize these research DAS to conduct monkfish related research, rather than their allocated monkfish DAS, thereby eliminating any cost to the vessel associated with using a monkfish DAS. Landings from such research trips may be sold to generate funds to help defray research costs. No Federal funds are provided for research under this notification. Rather, projects funded under the Monkfish RSA Program would be provided with additional opportunity to harvest monkfish, and the catch sold to generate income to offset research costs. Projects funded under an RSA DAS award must enhance the knowledge of the monkfish fishery resource or contribute to the body of information on which management decisions are made. The Councils and NMFS will give priority to funding research proposals in the following general subject areas: (1) Cooperative research to supplement NMFS surveys; (2) life history studies on age and growth, longevity, reproduction, and natural mortality; (3) tagging and telemetry studies to investigate short- and long-term movements and habitat use; (4) research concerning bycatch and discard mortality of target and/or non-target species; (5) trawl and gillnet gear studies concerning size and/or species selectivity and bycatch reduction (including reducing bycatch of and interactions with protected species); and (6) research concerning trophic interactions of monkfish with other species. Please note that the research subject areas listed above are not listed in order of priority. Projects that follow up or expand on previous cooperative research are encouraged and will be given additional consideration, provided such research would enhance the utility of the initial work.
Contact Information
Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Agency Contact:
Steve Drescher
Policy Advisor
Phone 301-713-0926 -
Agency Mailing Address:
For Application Downlaod issues
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