U.S. Embassy Beirut Local Grants Program for Civil Society
Post Date
January 8th 2016
Application Due Date
March 8th 2016
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
-Advocacy by civil society, NGOs, and professional associations, including grassroots level and community organizations, to promote voter education, the adoption of legal or political reforms, and raise public awareness of democratic values and processes. ╢ Counter violent extremism and fanaticism, particularly among youth. ╢ Expansion of opportunities for youth, particularly those that do provide practical, hands-on experience in civic engagement, public service, and volunteerism, and that help to improve local communities. ╢ Expansion of womenмs participation in public life at the local, regional, and national levels. ╢ Broaden and strengthen human rights and protections, particularly for communities subject to discrimination and persecution. ╢ Promotion of legal frameworks and processes that expand citizen participation in politics and public life, including voter education. ╢ Promotion of good governance, including anti-corruption efforts and initiatives to promote government transparency and integrity. ╢ Development of media institutions that defend the public interest and provide credible and diverse sources of information. ╢ Promotion of reforms that expands economic opportunities especially for youth, including promoting entrepreneurship and workforce development training. ╢ Expansion of educational opportunities, including civic education activities that promote tolerance of different views, respect for democratic values and institutions, protection of ethnic and religious diversity, leadership development, cross-confessional dialogue and community service.
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Eligible applicants include local representatives of civil society, including: non-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations, and universities in Lebanon. Any organization with a headquarters office located outside Lebanon will not be considered.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$50000 - $200000
Grant Description
The U.S. Embassy Beirut is pleased to announce that funding is available through the U.S. Embassyмs Local Grants Program (ELGP). The U.S. Embassy Beirut Local Grants Program seeks to bolster civil society by assisting underserved and/or underprivileged communities in Lebanon not currently receiving USG assistance through other ongoing programs. We are particularly interested in projects aimed at assisting communities that are hosting displaced Syrians, such as through economic empowerment, youth volunteering initiatives, and conflict resolution activities. In addition, we welcome projects that promote ethnic and religious tolerance and acceptance and that enlighten youth to the dangers of sectarianism and political extremism. These grants are implemented by members of civil society, including individuals, non-governmental organizations, civic groups, reform networks, and academic institutions that are committed to supporting democratic values and the active participation of all individuals in social, political, and economic life.
Contact Information
Department of State
U.S. Mission to Lebanon
Agency Contact:
Arabelle Barbir
Grants Program Manager
Phone 009614542600 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Embassy Local Grants Program/MEPI Beirut Office
- Agency Email Address:

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