Model UN Exchange Program
Post Date
March 31st 2014
Application Due Date
April 30th 2014
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Public and State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Non-Profits With 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Private Institutions of Higher Education
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$25000 - $75000
Grant Description
Model UN (MUN) programs are growing in popularity and many events are being organized in colleges and universities each year in India. The university events offer a unique platform to bring together the next generation of leaders from across India to discuss regional and global issues. We propose sending a team of U.S. MUN students accompanied by faculty advisors, mentors and/or chaperones (depending on the age of the travelling students) to participate in MUN programs in India to share and discuss best practices, and to establish the foundation for future interaction on global issues. The program will provide young leaders from both the U.S. and India with an interactive learning experience and skills development in foreign policy research, negotiating texts, drafting resolutions, public speaking, problem solving, and debating. Target audiences should include, but are not limited to, middle school, high school and college/university students interested in foreign policy and world affairs who will be the future leaders. Youth should come from the full range of economic backgrounds and a variety of Indian academic institutions. The organizations must receive approval from the U.S. Mission India on the final list of participants as well as the mix of students/advisor(s). The project should be between one and three weeks in length рon-the-groundс in India to allow for participation by U.S. students in one or more MUN conferences, but could involve travel and activity in multiple locations. The U.S. Mission will work with the program partner and local partners, and with other appropriate institutions, such as the UN Information Office, to identify events best suited for the exchange calendar of U.S. institutions. To amplify the impact of the program, the proposal should use of traditional media, websites, Facebook and Twitter. All media will be done solely in coordination with the U.S. Mission India. Program proposals should include evaluation of the program, and specific suggestions for follow up to maximize the possibility of building relationships and linkages between program partners, institutions and individual participants. Proposals for reciprocal visits by Indian partners to U.S. MUN conferences or events will also be considered, but the U.S. institution will have to administer such an exchange and ensure that the Indian institutions and the individual travelers meet Indian and U.S. exchange terms. The proposal should identify qualified Indian partners who meet all the required legal and technical requirements (e.g., including but not necessarily limited to DUNS, SAM, and FCRA registration). Mission India may also propose partners, and will make the final decision on Indian partner institutions. Proposals should include a detailed breakout and description of all expenses associated with this project, from the development of the agenda and securing the participation of expert speakers to organizing and paying for airfare, transportation and hotel logistics. The proposal should include all administrative and logistical costs for organizing the MUN events. The organization should develop budgets that include, but are not limited to, the following costs: ╔ Economy class roundtrip airfare, lodging, and per diem costs of American MUN students and faculty/mentors/chaperone- this should include both international and India domestic travel. ╔ Ground transportation ╔ Venue rental, if necessary ╔ Communications expenses ╔ Agenda preparation and printing costs ╔ All venue related expenses beyond room rental (utilities, backup generator, etc.) ╔ Resource materials ╔ Publicity materials, including website-hosting fees, etc. ╔ Audio-visual equipment and other related expenses All materials developed as part of this program will be made available, at no cost, to U.S. Mission India for its use without restriction. The grantee is responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions, rights and copyrights for materials that is used from other sources.
Contact Information
Department of State
U.S. Mission to India
Agency Contact:
Grant Applications Manager
U.S. Embassy New Delhi -
Agency Mailing Address:
Grant Applications Manager
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