Post Date
March 23rd 2011
Application Due Date
April 22nd 2011
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Non-Profits With 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Non-Profits Without 501 (c) (3) Status With The IRS (Except Higher Education Institutions)
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$1000000 - $1000000
Grant Description
Directed to: All non-for-profit civil society organizations working on the development of community initiatives pertaining to the prevention, treatment and research on consumption of illicit drugs with the purpose of supporting demand reduction. This Cooperative Agreement is for the establishment of anti-drug community coalitions in the Mexican metropolitan areas of Tijuana, Baja California, Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua and Nogales, Sonora, with the required technical assistance provided by the Community Anti Drug Coalitions of America ( The purpose of community coalitions is to inform and encourage the use of available health services to protect members from harm caused by drug use. The selected organization shall have the capacity to establish contacts with community leaders and/or public figures to gain support for the community coalition project. The organization shall also coordinate financial, technical, and logistical efforts for the creation of grassroots anti-drug coalitions in the three metropolitan areas mentioned above. In a second stage of the program, the newly established coalitions will manage links and coordination with their counterparts in the border region of the United States. Proposals shall include a section on the nature and scope of actual or potential contacts with civil society organizations in the United States. Proposals should include specific activities to be conducted in a 24-month plan with milestones and activities, with the corresponding criteria of evaluation (input, output, throughput, outcome, indicators, etc). Budgets should include labor, travel, and other direct cost categories. No overhead percentages shall be included. Participating organizations shall comply with the following requirements: 1. Registration before the National Registry of Civil Society Organizations of Mexico. 2. Registration as authorized donations recipient by the Mexican tax authorities 3. Scope of action that excludes lobbying or partisan activities in Mexico or the United States and/or affiliation to religious group, union or political party. 4. A management board / directorate that excludes public officials of the Executive, Legislative or Judicial branches of the federal, state or municipal administration of Mexico or the United States 5. Compliance with the tax, health and other regulations applicable to organizations operating in Mexico and/or the United States. There should be no legal or administrative impediment (pending lawsuits, audit findings, etc) to become a recipient of federal assistance in Mexico or the United States. Supporting Documentation: 1. Letter of application directed to the Director of the Narcotic Affairs Section of the United States Embassy, Mexico City, signed by the organizationуs legal representative. 2. Copy of the Act of Incorporation/Registration and, if applicable, of the relevant public registry certificates. 3. Copy of the Mexican Official Gazette publication of the organizationуs authorization to issue tax-deductible receipts, or proof of registration before the Mexican Secretary of Finance (SHCP). 4. Copy of latest audited financial statements authorized by the SHCP. 5. Copy of latest tax return 6. Copy registration before the Mexican National Registry of Non-Profit Civil Society Organizations (CLUNI). 7. Executive Summary of the project (2 pages), including summary budget. AMOUNTS AND SUBMISSIONS The cooperative agreement will be for 24 months and funding for US$1 million, to be transferred on a quarterly basis upon reception of quarterly reports. Proposals shall be submitted through application on or sent by courier service to: Alejandro JuЮrez Muпoz Oficina Binacional de Implementaciяn Avenida Paseo de la Reforma 265 Piso 21 Colonia Cuauht_moc, 06500, M_xico, D.F Proposals will be received until Close of Business on Friday April 22th, 2011. An ad-hoc Committee will evaluate the proposals. Members of the Mexican Ministries of Health, Education and External Affairs, as well as US Embassy officials and members of civil society organizations will be part of the committee.
Contact Information
Department of State
U.S. Mission to Mexico
Agency Contact:
Natalie Waugh
Foreign Service Officer
Phone 525550802000 -
Agency Mailing Address:
State Department Official
- Agency Email Address:
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