Post-Compact Data Collection Services
Post Date
May 26th 2011
Application Due Date
June 2nd 2011
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation of the 2005-2010 Watershed Management and Agricultural Support Project.
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
This is a "Notice of Intent" of a single source cooperative agreement award to The National Statistics Institute (INE) of Cape Verde. The National Statistics Institute (INE) of Cape Verde was selected to complete critical data collection activities during the Compact period. Now the firm's services are needed for post-Compact data collection services. Upon completion of joint USGS and MCC due diligence studies of the Watershed Management and Agricultural Support Project, it was determined that there was a potentially high risk of salt water intrusion into Cape Verde fresh water aquifers of the project intervention zones due to the number and placement of planned production wells for the provision of water in support of drip irrigation activities to participating farmers. In order to mitigate this risk, the Project was re-programmed to construct twenty-eight reservoirs throughout the three intervention watersheds for the capture and distribution of rain, spring and well fed fresh water resources. The re-scoping of programmed activities from the drilling of production wells to the construction of reservoirs introduced an approximate two year delay in project implementation. Accordingly, two warm season agricultural cyclical surveys, two cool season agricultural cyclical surveys and one close out socio-economic survey in all three participating watersheds will need to be conducted following the October 17, 2010 compact end date in order to support the impact evaluation of MCC funded program interventions. The National Statistics Institute (INE) will conduct thorough impact evaluations for assessing Compact outcomes and documenting lessons learned. The cooperator for this project was chosen because of unique ability. INE maintains a permanent in-the-field presence of survey enumerators offering a unique opportunity for cost effective, culturally sensitive, high data quality program support. The required work is a continuation of surveys already launched under the Implementing Entity Agreement. INE is uniquely qualified to continue executing these same surveys, both in terms of efficiency and technical expertise. The Cooperative Agreement will comprise only of survey work that was previously agreed to be conducted by INE under the Compact, but was not completed during the Compact term due to implementation delays.
Award Range:
$0 - $256918
Grant Description
The National Statistics Institute (INE) will conduct thorough impact evaluations for assessing Compact outcomes and documenting lessons learned.
Contact Information
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Agency Contact:
Patrice Lopez
Contract Specialist
Phone 202-521-2635 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:

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