Public-Private Alliances Related to Education in Vietnam
Post Date
February 24th 2009
Application Due Date
April 15th 2009
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Employment, Labor and Training
Eligibility Categories
Award Range:
$0 - $1000000
Grant Description
USAID/Vietnam is making a special call for the submission of concept papers related to the USG development Assistance Objective (AO) Investing in People, with a focus on higher education and work force skills development. Under USAID’s proven approach to strategic public-private partnerships for achieving mutually shared interests, and leveraging individual partner's strengths and resources, USAID/Vietnam intends to launch in early FY2010, a medium-to long-term initiative in higher and skills-based education. As envisioned, the specific objective of this initiative is to improve the quality and relevance of Vietnam's education, to the extent practicable, for disadvantaged youth.
Contact Information
Agency for International Development
Agency Contact:
Mr. Howard R. Handler
General Development Office
Tung Shing Square
15/F, 2 Ngo Quyen Street
Hanoi, Vietnam -
Agency Mailing Address:
General Development Officer
- Agency Email Address:

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