BLM-Arizona, AZ Strip District Cultural Resources Support
Post Date
May 9th 2016
Application Due Date
September 1st 2016
See announcement cover sheet for the deadline (8 July 2016 @ 17:00) for submission of applications. Applications must be received by the BLM prior to the posted deadline.
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
The following types of entities are eligible to apply for award under this announcement. Failure to meet eligibility requirements will result in precluding the BLM from making an award. Eligible applicant types are: Unrestricted, anyone may apply
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$20000 - $200000
Grant Description
a. Background: The Arizona Strip District of the BLM would like to work cooperatively with an organization to carry out archaeological inventory, analysis, and reporting, as well as the collection and processing of oral histories, updating cultural overviews, providing public educational and interpretive presentations and programs, preparing archaeological/cultural/historical publications, site stabilization, testing of archaeological resources where necessary to determine National Register of Historic Places eligibility and assess potential mpacts, and other related tasks in the cultural resource program. This may entail pedestrian inventory of selected areas of the Monuments and Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) where comprehensive cultural resource inventory is lacking and cultural resources are at risk of destruction or impacts. The result will be a much better understanding of cultural resources and their current condition, allow for better development of management practices designed to protect at-risk resources, and provide information for public interpretive presentations and educational experiences. Components of this project include collection of base line cultural resource information regarding site locations, site types, and impacts, as well as monitoring of cultural resource sites. This project will allow the BLM to follow the procedures and goals outlined in the RMPs for cultural resources. Vermilion Cliffs and Grand Canyon-Parashant national monuments were established to protect the various aspects noted in their Proclamations, in which cultural resources were specifically identified. The ACECs on the Arizona Strip Field Office were designated specifically to protect cultural resources and are at-risk because they are located near local communities that continue to grow. The anticipated recipient of the agreement would be an organization whose efforts are closely aligned with the goals and protections outlined in the RMPs with respect to cultural resources. To adequately protect a resource, the resource in question must be understood in the fullest possible context, and this knowledge shared with the general public. Greater awareness leads to a better understanding of the resource, and appreciation and participation by the public. b. Objectives: The objectives for entering into this assistance agreement are; Obtain a better understanding of the historic and prehistoric cultural resources on the Arizona Strip District. Assist the BLM in protecting and stabilizing cultural resources. Produce research documents that synthesize previous history and research, report on current research, and provide recommendations for future research, protection and use. Provide opportunities for the public to assist with and/or learn from cultural resource research. Collect oral histories from individuals concerning the history of the area before this information is lost. Provide information to be used in public education and interpretation venues that encourages public land stewardship and interest and educates about the value of cultural resources.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Land Management
Agency Contact:
Grants Management Officer Eddie W Bell Jr (602) 417-9268 -
Agency Mailing Address:
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