Model Approaches to Statewide Legal Assistance Systems - Phase II
Post Date
February 23rd 2016
Application Due Date
April 25th 2016
Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m., ET, on the listed application due date.
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Income Security and Social Services
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Through this FOA, states previously involved in Model Approaches - Phase I are asked to present proposals to fully implement sustainable legal service delivery systems that demonstrate significant innovations in addressing priority legal issues impacting older adults most in need. Therefore, the 28 states that have previously received Model Approaches - Phase I funding, either through state units on aging or other eligible entities, and that have not been awarded a Model Approaches Phase II grant previously, will be eligible to apply under this FOA. The twenty eight (28) eligible states are: Alabama, Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia. Within an eligible state, proposals in response to this FOA will be accepted from the entity that currently houses the State Legal Assistance Developer (LAD). Each proposal must contain a detailed plan for direct and ongoing leadership involvement of the LAD in the design, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability of the Model Approaches - Phase II legal service delivery system. Further, each proposal must contain a detailed plan for ongoing collaboration between the LAD and key partners and stakeholders involved in all aspects of project design, implementation, evaluation, and sustainability. Foreign entities are not eligible to compete for, or receive, awards made under this announcement.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$178500 - $178500
Grant Description
With this grant opportunity, Model Approaches to Statewide Legal Assistance Systems - Phase II(Model Approaches - Phase II), the Administration for Community Living (ACL) continues and expands its support for state leadership efforts in implementing well integrated and cost effective legal service delivery systems that maximize the impact of limited legal resources targeted to older adults in greatest need. The ultimate goal of this grant is to promote and support the continued evolution of legal service delivery systems created through Model Approaches to Statewide Legal Assistance Systems - Phase I (Model Approaches - Phase I) towards higher levels of capacity, performance, and service delivery impact. Model Approaches - Phase II will move statewide legal service delivery systems towards greater accessibility for older adults presenting “priority” legal issues; seamless systemic integration of vital low cost legal service delivery mechanisms; precise targeting and outreach to older adults in the greatest social or economic need; improved responsiveness to legal issues that emerge from elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation; expanded knowledge and expertise of aging and legal service providers; implementation of legal service delivery standards/guidelines, and data collection and reporting systems that measure legal program results and demonstrate tangible impact on the independence, health, and financial security of older adults.
Contact Information
Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Community Living
Agency Contact:
Omar Valverde -
Agency Mailing Address:
Grants Policy
- Agency Email Address:
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