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Creating and Sustaining Dementia-Capable Service Systems for People with Dementia and their Family Caregivers

Post Date

June 11th 2013

Application Due Date

July 17th 2013

Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m., ET, on the listed application due date.

Funding Opportunity Number


CFDA Number(s)


Funding Instrument Type(s)

Cooperative Agreement

Funding Activity Categories

Income Security and Social Services

Number of Awards


Eligibility Categories

State Governments

State Units on Aging in states that have received previous grant awards by the Administration on Aging under Systems Integration Parts A or B (Funding Opportunities HHS-2011-AoA-AA-1113 and HHS-2011-AoA-DS-1114) are not eligible to apply for cooperative agreements under this new Funding Opportunity Announcement . These states are Georgia, Minnesota, New York and Ohio. Individuals, foreign entities, and sole proprietorship organizations are not eligible to compete for, or receive, awards made under this announcement.


  • Estimated Total Funding:


  • Award Range:

    $500000 - $820000

Grant Description

Cooperative agreements under this FOA are designed to ensure that people with dementia and their family caregivers have access to a sustainable home and community-based services (HCBS) system that is dementia capable. Such a system meets the unique needs of each person with dementia by 1) identifying those with a possible dementia and recommending follow up with a physician, 2) ensuring that the staff they encounter have appropriate training, understand the unique needs/services available and knowing how to communicate with them, and 3) providing quality, person-centered services that help them remain independent and safe in their communities. A dementia-capable HCBS system also involves family caregivers when they are available and it is appropriate. Grantees must specify a lead state agency for dementia capability and have working relationships with their state Medicaid agencies that enable creating and sustaining a dementia-capable HCBS system that meets two key objectives: Objective 1. Create and sustain a dementia-capable HCBS system that includes a Single Entry Point/No Wrong Door (SEP/NWD) access for people with dementia and their family caregivers. Objective 2. Ensure access to a comprehensive, sustainable set of quality HCBS that are dementia capable and provide innovative services to the population with dementia and their family caregivers. Services must be evidence-based or evidence-informed to the extent possible. In addition to implementing a dementia capable HCBS system that meets objectives 1 and 2 above, grantees must provide at least one evidence-based or evidence-informed service for individuals with dementia or their caregivers.

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