Comprehensive Booklet Providing an Overview on the Klamath River and the Secretarial Determination Process
Post Date
May 18th 2010
Application Due Date
November 30th -0001
This is a Notice of Intent
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Eligibility Categories
This is a Notice of Intent. This grant will be awarded to the Water Education Foundation.
Award Range:
$42000 - $42000
Grant Description
On behalf of the Department of the Interior, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in association with a number of federal partners, is seeking to create a comprehensive booklet in order to advance the public’s understanding of the various issues related to the Secretarial Determination (SD) on Klamath River dams. The booklet will be printed and distributed to the various federal agency offices located in the Klamath Basin for their use and public engagement activities. A non-editable electronic PDF version of the booklet will also be available. Background In February 2010, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior signed the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement. Accordingly, it sets out a process whereby the Secretary of the Interior is asked to make a determination on whether four privately owned Klamath River dams should be removed. The criteria for this determination are (1) whether dam removal will benefit anadromous fish; and, (2) is dam removal in the public interest. The Secretary will make this determination by March 2012. The booklet will help the public become more fully informed about the key issues of the Klamath Basin and the SD process, which will enable meaningful public involvement. Specifically, this booklet will help inform the public on SD process by presenting a comprehensive overview of the various issues associated with the SD process and related processes. It will cover the history of the Klamath River with a special focus on the developments and controversies over the last 10 years, and how they helped to shape present day agreements. The booklet will then explain the Secretarial Determination process for dam removal, i.e. what studies will be conducted, on what timeline, etc. The booklet will also include a section that clarifies issues of confusion that have so far surfaced. For example, there are misconceptions about the dams – this booklet (while remaining neutral on the issue of whether dams should remain or come out) will correct common misconceptions about what will happen if the dams are removed, i.e. will the river run dry?; will locals lose their electricity?, etc. A section of the booklet will also outline key milestones in the process and those contemplated by the recent KBRA and KHSA. A list of internet resources including the soon to be launched website will be included. The booklet will present technical information in a user-friendly manner, it will contain photos, graphics and will be printed in color. Sample components of the Guide could include: • Table of Contents • Introduction and Geographic Setting • Chronology of Key Dates and Milestones • A History of Klamath River from 2000-2010 • 2010 Agreements • Most common misconceptions about Klamath River • Future of Klamath River Deliverables – General The cooperator will work with a point-of-contact from the federal government to ensure delivery of a final product within the deadline (3 – 6 months after cooperative agreement is awarded). The contractor shall be prepared to meet/communicate with the federal point-of-contact as much as necessary to ensure the final product meets the reasonable expectations of the federal communications team overseeing the Secretarial Determination process. The cooperator will develop a list of required material/data/maps/agency contacts and other information and provide it to the federal point-of-contact within one week of contract award. The federal point of contact will provide the cooperator with the requested information within one week of the request. The cooperator will present updates and draft versions of the booklet – both text and design -- to the federal point-of-contact throughout the design phase and make reasonable adjustments/modifications upon request. In order to maintain the integrity of the publication and its usefulness to the federal point-of contact, the cooperator will retain editorial control, but will consider federal point-of-contact edits and suggestions, and will use them where appropriate. The federal point-of-contact will ensure that edits to the booklet are received in timely and orderly way and will work with the cooperator on an editorial calendar complete with federal/state review deadlines and other milestones such as print schedule and distribution schedule. Deliverables – designing the booklet The cooperator shall work with the federal point of contact to design and write a booklet that is well-designed, readable, eye-catching and well organized. The cooperators shall work with the federal point of contact to determine the basic contents, design and lay out to be used for this project. The federal point of contact will work with the cooperator on supplying access to information, data, agency personnel, graphics and photos and other information so the writers/designers can be fully informed of the process and related issues. TIMELINE: Upon award of contract, the Water Education Foundation could complete work on the Layperson’s Guide to the Klamath River in a 3-6 month period.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Agency Contact:
Misty Bradford
Coop. Agreements Assistant
Phone 530-841-3110 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:
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