Boating Infrastructure Grant Program - Tier 1, Basic
Post Date
May 20th 2011
Application Due Date
September 21st 2011
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
BIG provides Federal funds to States to construct, renovate, and maintain boating infrastructure facilities for transient, nontrailerable recreational vessels 26 feet in length or longer. Projects completed using BIG funds must provide public access, but may be publicly or privately owned.
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Eligible applicants are the Governor-designated State agencies in the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands, and the territories of Guam, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. If you are uncertain of your eligibility, please contact the Service (see Section VII, Agency Contacts), as we maintain a list of eligible agencies. Many States allow BIG subgrants to private marinas, local municipalities, or other non-State entities. Interested parties must contact the appropriate State agency representative for detailed information on possible eligibility and application instructions.
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$0 - $100000
Grant Description
Recreational boating is a popular activity; there are approximately 13 million registered boats in the U.S. Of this total, an estimated 600,000 are at least 26 feet long and are considered nontrailerable. BIG provides Federal funds to States to construct, renovate, and maintain boating infrastructure facilities for transient, nontrailerable recreational vessels 26 feet in length or longer. Projects completed using BIG funds must provide public access, but may be publicly or privately owned. Some examples of potentially eligible activities include (See Section IV (E), Funding Restrictions for additional information): (a) Mooring buoys (permanently anchored floats designed to tie up eligible recreational vessels); (b) Day-docks (tie-up facilities that do not allow overnight use); (c) Navigational aids (e.g., channel markers, buoys, and directional information); (d) Transient slips (slips that boaters with eligible recreational vessels occupy for no more than 10 consecutive days); FY 2012 BIG Tier 1 RFA 3 (e) Safe harbors (facilities protected from waves, wind, tides, ice, currents, etc., that provide a temporary safe anchorage point or harbor of refuge during storms); (f) Floating docks and fixed piers; (g) Floating and fixed breakwaters; (h) Dinghy docks (floating or fixed platforms that boaters with nontrailerable recreational vessels use for a temporary tie-up of their small boats to reach the shore); (i) Restrooms and showers; (j) Retaining walls; (k) Bulkheads; (l) Dockside utilities; (m) Pumpout stations; (n) Recycling and trash receptacles; (o) Dockside electric service; (p) Dockside water supplies; (q) Dockside pay telephones; (r) Debris deflection booms; (s) Marine fueling stations; and (t) One time dredging, not to exceed 10% of total BIG project costs, including match.
Contact Information
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
Agency Contact:
Christy Vigfusson
Biologist - Grants
Phone 703-358-1748 -
Agency Mailing Address:
Christy Vigfusson
- Agency Email Address:
More Information:
FY 2012 BIG Tier 1 Request for Applications - Read before applying

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