Post Date
December 23rd 2015
Application Due Date
February 12th 2016
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
targeted programs to benefit persons with disabilities, or they can be projects/activities that seek to mainstream persons with disabilities covering program areas limited to: agriculture and food security; environment; wildlife trafficking and global climate change; gender-based violence; and science, technology and innovation.
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
U.S. or non-U.S. entities, such as private, non-profit organizations (or for-profit companies willing to forego profits), including private voluntary organizations, universities, research organizations, professional associations, and relevant special interest associations. Individuals and PIOs are NOT eligible
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$0 - $1500000
Grant Description
USAID/Southern Africa is inviting all interested non-governmental organizations in South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Namibia or Botswana to submit concepts to _ Increase the participation of people with disabilities in USAID programs/activities; and _ Strengthen the capacity and services of civil society organizations run by and for people with disabilities; Projects may be stand-alone, targeted programs to benefit persons with disabilities, or they can be projects/activities that seek to mainstream persons with disabilities within existing USAID/Southern Africa programs. This Funding Opportunity is intended to solicit applications covering program areas limited to: agriculture and food security; environment; wildlife trafficking and global climate change; gender-based violence; and science, technology and innovation.
Contact Information
Agency for International Development
South Africa USAID-Pretoria
Agency Contact:
Paul Vacik
Contract Specialist
Phone 0027124522177 -
Agency Mailing Address:
- Agency Email Address:

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