Healthy Homes Technical Studies
Post Date
May 2nd 2011
Application Due Date
June 30th 2011
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Cooperative Agreement
Funding Activity Categories
Number of Awards
Eligibility Categories
Academic, not-for-profit and for-profit institutions located in the U.S., state and units of local government, and federally recognized Native American tribes are eligible to apply. For-profit firms are not allowed to earn a fee (i.e., make a profit from the project).
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$300000 - $650000
Grant Description
The overall goal of both the Lead and the Healthy Homes Technical Studies programs is to gain knowledge to improve the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of methods for evaluation and control of lead-based paint and other housing related health and safety hazards. This also supports HUD•À_s Strategic Goal to utilize housing as a platform for improving the quality of life and health outcomes for those living in HUD-assisted and HUD-regulated housing, and the associated policy priority to build inclusive and sustainable communities by improving the health of community residents while reducing the impact of communities on the environment. The overall goals and objectives of the Healthy Homes (HH) Program is to: (1) Mobilize public and private resources, involving cooperation among all levels of government, the private sector, grassroots community-based organizations, including faith-based organizations, and other non-profit organizations, to develop and implement the most promising, cost-effective methods for identifying and controlling housing-related hazards; and (2) Build local capacity to operate sustainable programs that will continue to prevent, minimize, and control housing-related hazards in low- and very low-income residences when HUD funding is exhausted.
Contact Information
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Agency Contact:
For programmatic questions on the Healthy Homes Technical Studies program, you may contact Dr. Peter Ashley, at 202-402-7595. For grants administrative questions, you may contact Ms. Nadine Heath, at telephone 202-402-7680.
Agency Mailing Address:
See Agency Contact
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