Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
Post Date
May 18th 2011
Application Due Date
August 2nd 2011
Funding Opportunity Number
CFDA Number(s)
Funding Instrument Type(s)
Funding Activity Categories
Eligibility Categories
States, units of general local government, including Public Housing authorities, and nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply. ╔к_These resources will allow States and localities for forge new partnerships, including involving Public Housing Authorities, to devise place-based comprehensive strategies for meeting the housing needs of low-income persons with HIV/AIDS. Grant recipients will conduct comprehensive planning for the integration of housing and non-medical supportive services into wider local planning efforts. The results of these efforts will be published in the IHHP. The IHHP is envisioned as a collaborative process that will to improve the systematic delivery of housing and services to low-income individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS in your community and serves as a model for similar communities across the U.S. Grant recipients must plan to sustain of their project through coordinated local and regional planning efforts.╔к_
Estimated Total Funding:
Award Range:
$None - $1375000
Grant Description
Grants funded under this initiative will advance HUD╔к_s implementation of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS). This NOFA also addresses the Department╔к_s Fiscal Year 2010-2015 Strategic Plan and the Opening Doors Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. These actions address goals to: prevent and end homelessness; increase the supply of affordable housing; and increase the coordination of mainstream housing resources and other health and human services. This NOFA announces funds available for projects that address both: (1) direct housing assistance and service delivery to low income persons and families living with HIV/AIDS, including homeless individuals and families; and (2) comprehensive planning and coordination of local resources in meeting housing and service needs of the population. As a result of project efforts, communities will be assisted in the development and use of an Integrated HIV/AIDS Housing Plan (IHHP) to be issued at the end of the third year of operation. The IHHP is an administrative function and should demonstrate local system changes in the delivery of housing and services. Grantees are expected to provide housing assistance to eligible persons in their communities while concurrently examining and comprehensively integrating local services for coordinating and streamlining where possible the delivery of those services in your community.
Contact Information
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Agency Contact:
For programmatic information, you may contact the HUD field office serving your area. You can find the telephone number for the State or area Office of Community Planning and Development on HUD╔к_s website at: www.hud.gov and click on the link for State info. HUD staff can assist with program ques
Agency Mailing Address:
See Agency Contact Information
- Agency Email Address:
More Information:
Application Package and Instructions Download using CFDA Number ONLY.

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